Marriage Prayer

 Are you praying for a wife or a husband? The preceding marriage prayer is a suitable wedding prayer for you. God is not only the Creator God but also the God who authored love and romance. The Scriptures begins and ends with marriage — of Adam and Eve and the […]

Prayer For Help

The following Prayer for Help will assist you on how to approach God especially in troubling situations. Since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, the entire human race became imperfect and subjected to a world that is decaying, fallen, and depraved. With this condition and the natural […]

Prayers for Hope

Prayer for Hope

Hope prayers will definitely revolutionize the way you think, act, and feel. We hope this article and prayer for hope will encourage you and your loved ones in these difficult times that we’re facing. There are times that we reach the end of our rope in life and we feel […]

Praying for a Husband

The following prayer and scriptures are for the single Christian women who may be searching for a Prayer for a Husband from God. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God does not plan to abandon us, but to give us the future we hope for. God’s love surpasses knowledge and we […]