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Las oraciones por el dinero y las finanzas
Blessing Prayer -Day 4 – Praying for Divine Provision and Finances
Proverbs 23: 17-19 The Prayer of Expectation
Joshua 1:8 – Prayer For Success and Prosperity
Praying for a Hundredfold Blessing on Your Harvest – Matthew 13:3-9
A Prayer and Bible Verses for those who are Unemployed
Oraciones para la protección
The Psalm 91 Prayer for a Hedge of Protection
Bible Verses to Pray for Protection and Against Fear
Putting on the Armor of God in Prayer
Oraciones para la curación y la salud
Oración para curar enfermedades y enfermedades
Prayer For Weight Loss, Nutrition and Dieting
Prayer For Healing A Broken Heart
Prayer for Healing Broken Relationships
Las oraciones por la liberación
Prayer for Binding Evil Spirits
Prayer to Bind Evil Forces Before A Bible Study
Prayer for PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Prayer for Depression and Tips on How to Cope
Prayer for Alcoholism: 12 Steps Christian Scriptures and Recovery Tips
Prayer to Overcome Pornography Addiction
Oración contra un espíritu familiar y licor de supervisión
Praying Against A Jealous Spirit
Prayer for those struggling with Anger
Oraciones para la bendición
Prophetic Words and Blessing Prayer 2012
Blessing Prayer – Day 1 – Praying for Release from the Past
Blessing Prayer – Day 2 – Prayer to Remove Curses
Blessing Prayer -Day 3 – Praying for Divine Health, Physical and Spiritual Fitness
Blessing Prayer -Day 4 – Praying for Divine Provision and Finances
Blessing Prayer -Day 5 – Praying for Divine Relationships and Connections
Blessing Prayer -Day 6 – Praying for Divine Direction
Blessing Prayer -Day 7 – Praying for Determination, Tenacity and Strength
Oraciones para la salvación
Oraciones para la familia y los niños
Prayer for Children, Family and Friends
Prayer for Restoration of Marriage
Marriage Prayer: Praying for a Wife
Prayer for the Prodigal Son or Daughter
Night Prayer or Bedtime Prayers for Children
Proverbs 22:6 -Prayer For Students
Psalm 112 – A Prayer For Family
Prayer on Bullying with Bible Verses
Student Loan Debt Forgiveness Prayer and Bible Verses
Las oraciones por el gobierno y el mundo
The Future of World Religions and Population Growth
Prayers from our founding fathers – George Washington
Oraciones para el Trabajo y Negocios
Bible Verses and Prayer for Businesses
A Prayer to Start Your Work Week
A Prayer and Bible Verses for those who are Unemployed
Oraciones por la Iglesia
Prayer for those who are wounded by the church
Prayer for those going on a Short Term Missions Trip
Las oraciones por los nombres de Dios
Prayer to JEHOVAH ELOHE ABOTHEKEM: The Lord, The God Of Your Fathers
Prayer to JEHOVAH ROHI: The Lord My Shepherd
Prayer to Adonai: The God Who Rules
Prayer to the Great I Am: The Unchanging One
Prayer to El Elyon: The Most Exalted High God
Prayer to Elohim: The Strong One
Oraciones para la Esperanza
otras oraciones
A Christian Prayer For Confession
Thanksgiving Bible Verses and Prayer
Easter Prayer and Easter Bible Verses
40 Days of Lent & Lenten Prayer
Matthew 5:44 Prayer – Praying For Your Enemies
Paul’s Prayers: Ephesians 3:16-21