Hedge of Thorns Prayer for the Unfaithful Spouse

We would like to share with you this hedge of thorns prayer.  This is not the same as a hedge of protection prayer.  The difference is the hedge of protection keeps what is external from coming in while the hedge of thorns prayer keeps what is in from going out.

You should only pray this prayer for people with whom you have a biblical covenant relationship.  So this would be for an unfaithful spouse and you can also use this prayer for a prodigal child, drug addicted child, a child who is keeping company with gang related friends.

This prayer should not be prayed for your boyfriend, or girlfriend or someone whom you have feelings for that is not your spouse.  That would be considered witchcraft because you are not in a covenant relationship with that person.  You also don’t really know God’s will for that person so try not to let your emotions and feelings get control of you.

Likewise if you feel that someone who is not in a covenant relationship with you may be praying this over you, then you want to cut soul ties with them and pray this off of you.

Let’s look at the scriptures that talk about the Hedge of Thorns.  There are actually 2 scriptures in the King James Version- one refers to laziness Proverbs 15:19 (we’ll cover that in a different post) and the other is Hosea 2:6.

We will focus in on Hosea 2:6.  The book of Hosea is about the prophet Hosea and his unfaithful spouse.  This book,while it can be taken literally, can also be looked at figuratively as the Church of Jesus Christ being unfaithful to God and chasing after things (idolatry) and not God.  This is a spiritual unfaithfulness. Therefore if you see your child going after things that are not of God (prodigals, drug and alcohol addicted, bad company) you can use these scriptures to pray for them as well.

Let’s look at the scripture in context…

Hosea 2:5-7 (NKJV) “For their mother has played the harlot; She who conceived them has behaved shamefully. For hedge of thorns prayershe said, ‘I will go after my lovers, Who give me my bread and my water, My wool and my linen,  My oil and my drink.’ “Therefore, behold, I will hedge up your way with thorns, And wall her in, So that she cannot find her paths. She will chase her lovers, But not overtake them; Yes, she will seek them, but not find them.  Then she will say, ‘I will go and return to my first husband, For then it was better for me than now.’

That’s pretty clear showing that these hedge of thorns keeps the unfaithful from going out and they return to the one with whom they are in a covenant relationship.

Hedge of Thorns Prayer:

Father God, I present to you this day ___________ and ask that you put the hedge of thorns, according to Hosea 2:6, around them to keep them from falling into sin.  Cause them to not find the way of unfaithfulness.  Cause these ungodly desires to not be fulfilled.  May they return to a covenant relationship first and foremost with you, God, and secondly to the covenant relationship that You have ordained from the foundations of the earth.  I pray for grace, patience and peace to guard my heart as I wait on You Lord to bring this prayer to fulfillment.  I pray that You would send away all these ungodly desires.  May _______ lose the desire to go that way, reveal to her/him that this way is destruction and against your will. Give him/her dreams and visions to see that the end is of no good.  I pray that You will season my speech with grace so that I will know what to say and when to say it.  I pray that you will cleanse my heart and root out any seed of bitterness. Give me grace to forgive.  Put a guard over my mouth and show me how I can accommodate the reconciliation and restoration of this covenant relationship.  If I have any responsibility in driving ______ away from you God and from this covenant relationship, please reveal it to me.  Forgive me God and prepare me for their return.  Guide them and me with your Holy Spirit, in Jesus Name, Amen.

 If you want us to pray for your unfaithful spouse or your child, please write your prayer request below and we will pray for you and for them.

God Bless You.

Here are some other related prayers:

Prayer for the Prodigal Child

Prayer for Marriage Restoration

Prayer for the Family

Prayer to Heal Broken Relationships

Prayer to Break Soul Ties

Prayer for a Hedge of Protection




1,029 thoughts on “Hedge of Thorns Prayer for the Unfaithful Spouse”

  1. please pray for my husband of 18 year. i found out that he’s been cheating on me for 10 years. I pray that he forget about this other woman and start focusing on his marriage and children let God touch him and make him his savant in Jesus name

  2. Pray for my husband who is on a path of destruction living in sin. He moved out and I’m pretty sure is cheating. He has been playing mind games saying he wants to come back then the next day blocks my calls. He is now telling people I cheated which is a blatant lie. My heart is broken & after 2 months of praying nonstop, I’m starting to feel hopeless of him changing & coming back. I’m at my wits end.

  3. Pls pray for my wayward wife Lyn. She is in a relationship with an unbeliever. Pls pray for the lord to speak to her . For ungodly soul ties to be broken. For her to be a mother to our kids. She has turned her back on God ,me,and our kids. I am standing on. It’s been a while but with Jesus all things are possible. Wrestle with her . Soften that hard heart. Pls pray for a breakthrough

  4. Please pray for my husband. That he would turn away from his adulterous relationship and serve the Lord.

  5. Please pray for my husband chan who is an alcoholic,he is abusive and he threatens me and humiliated me infront if people around me.i had forgiven him too many times ,I have been protecting him just for the sake of our innocent children so that they won’t have a broken home.i am so helpless as he puts his friends and drinking habits before us .pleaseeeee help me fight this battle .i need all d prayer support as no one is helping me even in person .i have no one to turn to ,my prayers won’t go in vain but I’m running out of patience !

  6. Please pray for my wife of 35 years.She had an affair at work with her boss and acts like she hates me now.He is a known serial cheater we have 4 kids and 5 grandkids it’s destroying our whole family and all our friends we are not together anymore she divorced me and told everybody she wanted to be alone we all recently learned she had still been seeing in secret

  7. Please pray for my husband its girl after the other . I have tried to be a good wife but still , I don’t know whether am the one wrong

  8. Help to pray for husband to reject the life of fornication and adultery, let him come to his senses. For God to give peace and patience

  9. Please pray for my husband of one year that left 3 weeks ago, he did not leave for another woman but for worldy reasons, Please also pray for my strength to fight for our marriage and bring him to Christ and to strengthen my faith, I claim my marriage in the name of Jesus Christ!

  10. Pray for my husband Micah who has hang on to his previous girlfriend and has asked for a separation. That he may return to God and for restoration of our marriage.

  11. I thank God for the power of prayer and knowledge. Please pray with me this prayer my dearest husband Ricky from cheating and selfishness and place he around men that would lead he in righteousness fill he with the desire to go to church and to Activate the word of God that he reads every morning every night in his life and may God delivered me of my shortcomings and Jesus name amen

  12. Please pray for my husband of 21 years who left me 6 months ago, to be with his “1st Love”. They have only been talking on the phone for almost 2 years now, but today he is driving 4 hours to see her and spend the weekend with her. He is a Christian who loves God, or he says he does(I’m confused about that) he knows this is wrong but he is going with his feelings. He doesn’t see that he opened a door and the devil came in when he saw this woman 2 years ago and they starting talking and deceiving me. It’s corupted his thinking and he is believing the lies the devil is telling him; like he never loved me. We have 2 older boys and the other woman had 3 younger children. Please pray the hedge of thorns around him, block his path and turn his truck around now. I pray his eyes would be opened to the truth and he would be sickened by his sin.

  13. Please pray for my niece Kim whose husband has told her that he has found the love of his life with another woman. Pray also for her husband that he will see the horrible damage he is doing to his wife and children. Pray for restoration of their marriage.

  14. Please pray for my husband who was unfaithful to me that he becomes god fearing and pray for restoration of my marriage and for him to develop love again for me in hia heart and for me to have patience

  15. Pray for me that my partner become faithful. That he may stop cheating on me with other women. Pray for Restoration, peace love and joy in my relationship

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