Pregnancy with tumor

Home Forums Dream Interpretation Pregnancy with tumor

  • This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by April.
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    • #51823 Reply

      I had a dream last night that I was in the early stages of pregnancy, but that I found out that I had a tumor on one of my ovaries (I think it was somewhere in my reproductive organs, but I don’t quite remember.) My husband and I had to determine if I should carry the baby full-term and not receive treatment, or have an abortion so that I could receive treatment.

      *** I have never had an abortion and I’m not pregnant in the natural.

    • #52350 Reply

      First pray and then proceed to read the interpretation. I don’t know if you have children or how old you are, but clearly there is something going on in your reproductive organs. First you dreamed you were in the “EARLY” stages of pregnancy even though you are not pregnant in the natural. This means that you are still vital and able to have children. Secondly you were determining with your husband whether or not to carry the baby full term or receive treatment (which would mean abortion). Plain and simple, you were determining whether or not to let your child/children “LIVE or DIE” by discussing the treatment options that would result in INFERTILITY! Also notice the word ABORTION! Abortion is against the will of God always! The Lord is saying it is not his will for you to kill the child or children to come! I don’t care what the doctors say! Do not let them take your reproductive organs or do anything to your body that results in sterilization. Satan has attacked your womb is trying to kill the child/children to come. He doesn’t want him/them to see the light of day! You need to take care of yourself but do not use modern medicine! Their are God given treatments that are AMAZING at healing and completely reversing any female problems within days! Look to Ozone therapy, Royal Rife Healing Frequencies (GB 4000). Study Dr. Sebi and go on an herbal fast that rids your body from any mucus build up. May God bless you and may you take heed the warning he has given you. Amen & Amen!

    • #52359 Reply
      Kristin Castro

      Thank you for your interpretation. But, i would just like to state that I’m not pregnant and I’ve NEVER had an abortion nor would I have one. I’ve have two beautiful baby boys and my husband and I are waiting for the right time to have another baby. We are praying for a baby girl but also thought about adoption.

      Typically, God has given me dreams about pregnancy and babies whenever he was getting ready to birth something in me (an idea, a ministry, a new job) etc. My dad just died of chirrosis of the liver and I asked God to help me reach people with addictions by having a center that would have Christian counseling and transitional housing. Right after asking this I had that dream. I was trying to determine if this dream was God’s way of saying that although I was pregnant with this vision fulfilling it now could possibly kill me (spiritually and emotionally) since I need to grieve and work through issues… I just wanted to see if someone could confirm what I was feeling.

    • #52362 Reply

      Another thought I had is that I’ve had been own graphic design business for 3 years. I’ve only really had a few ongoing clients and recently I have felt so overwhelmed. One of my clients which is my church told me that they were hiring other designers to help them produce more quality materials. I have been considering quitting design because I’m exhausted from working everyday, I feel like there is a huge learning curve. I am considering getting an academic advisor position and not sure if the other post went through… I was thinking about becoming a substance abuse counselor and then opening up a center to counsel, give job training and also transitional housing. My dad just died from cirrhosis.

    • #52366 Reply

      God bless!

    • #52368 Reply

      In my experience in interpretation of dreams and visions Whatever a dream says don’t change it or read into it. It is what it is. The dream had nothing to do with counseling or ministry for addiction or design. I know you have never had an abortion but if you have a premature hysterectomy or something you may be aborting a child the Lord wants you to have. I believe the Lord doesn’t want you to concern yourself with business or ministry at the moment. He’s trying to bring attention to your health because you won’t be affective in ministry or anything if you’re not in shape. I suggest you see a gynecologist and find out if there’s anything going on. If you catch it something early it won’t be a problem for you in the near future.

    • #52390 Reply

      Well, several days before that I had a dream about my old roommate who lives in another state waking up my baby.

      I’ve had a lot of dreams about babies over the years. Also, had dreams about friends who aren’t married having babies (they are living in holiness). I say all this to say that I don’t believe that it’s always a literal interpretation. In the Bible Joseph and Nebuchadnezzar dreamed in symbols, Peter also had a vision with symbols.

      I’m not trying to argue you with but there have been a lot of cases in my life and biblical examples where things weren’t literal. If the nature of this dream was different I probably wouldn’t have responded, but it’s kind of a serious thing to tell someone.

    • #52412 Reply

      Hi Kristin,

      I agree with you that this dream should be taken from a spiritual standpoint and not literal. The birthing could be a business idea, something creative or ministry. I believe the Lord is giving you caution that it will not be smooth sailing in the beginning and you will need to determine with your husband whether or not you should continue with it. As with a natural birth, this will require nurturing and your time.

      You need to both pray it through once God reveals to you what this baby is and I don’t believe He would want you to abort the idea so a prayer for the solution to the issues that will come up will be the best approach.

      I hope this helps.

      God bless

    • #54087 Reply

      There’s nothing wrong with getting yourself a checkup.

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