Husband coming home

Home Forums Dream Interpretation Husband coming home

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by Dee T.
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    • #26915 Reply

      I have been praying and standing for my marriage to be healed through six months of separation. I have had a few dreams about my husband over the last couple of weeks, but last night I dreamt that he came home and was talking to me, he wasn’t wearing his wedding ring and I got upset about that. He tried to comfort me and tell me he wants us to workout. Cut scene before I woke up we were sitting on the couch and I was cuddled up to him and he kissed the top of my head. I am not sure if this is my emotions or God whispering to me that things are going to get better for my marriage…

    • #29649 Reply

      Hi Erika, you are correct. You must remember that dreams come from 3 sources – God, the enemy or our own souls. So this dream could be from God or from the soulish realm. You should still continue to stand in faith that God will restore your marriage.

      Another way to look at this is that the dream was all about God (who is your husband in the realm of the spirit) and he wants to use this time to restore your relationship with Him. Have you been distant with God, going through a separation? If this is true then you need to be open to the possibility that this could also be the interpretation of this dream. I could be God sitting on the sofa kissing the top of your head.

    • #339387 Reply
      Dee T

      I know you desire to be with your husband and to be intimate again and in a relationship with him. In the dream he didn’t have on a wedding ring. Have y’all reconnected since this dream? In the dream because he didn’t have on a ring I wonder if he no longer feels committed? Has he moved on? I do believe that God can restore relationships.

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