Dream of Masturbating

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    • #109144 Reply

      I have been having dreams of myself masturbating lately. I remembers few days ago, I had a dream of a ball (should be some sex toy, i think) was arousing me down there and then I ordered it to stop. I said in the dream ‘Stop in the name of Jesus’ and then it stopped and I woke up.

      And after few days, I had another dream of masturbating. My mum was in the room with me and I secretly arousing myself without her knowing. And then, I noticed no1 was actually in the room with me and the door of my room was wide open so I closed the door and wanted to continue doing the ‘self-pleasuring’ sin. Then there was an opening on the wall like a window beside the bed I lied down. A younger sister of mine came to look for me and she called me through the window. I could not successfully continue with the sinful act and then I was waken by a call.

      I don’t masturbate in real life. I did masturbate many years ago and I have stopped this addiction over a year or two ago by prayer and self-deliverance. After that, I have also done the 7 steps to freedom self-deliverance in renouncing all sins of myself and my family.

      I can’t understand why I have this kind of dream now. I think within 12 months, this is the 3rd time of masturbating dream. Every time I cancelled the dream upon waking up and I also dissassociate myself with power of the kingdom of darkness related to the dream.

      What is the prayer I should pray? Is there anything I should be alert and repent of? I really can’t think of any now.

      And, I am a prayerful person. I pray very fervantly. So, I really can’t understand what opened door to this kind of dream.

      Please help.

    • #109810 Reply

      You are doing the correct thing. You need to rebuke these dreams immediately upon waking. These are evil spirits trying to forge a covenant with you. Keep rebuking and denouncing and breaking all covenants and soul ties with evil spirits, in Jesus name.

    • #112642 Reply
      Darren Tarmey

      Hi it might be a good idea to get a family minister to pray for you as the anointing breaks the yoke, the enemy will always try and return and as you are venerable during sleep time he will try, get pray and also ask them to run through the generational sins again as you mom is in the dream suggest its generational on you moms family side. Be blessed and keep serving the Lord in spirit and in truth.

    • #117135 Reply
      Esther Ama Mensah

      “When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order.

      Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation.” (Matthew 12: 43-45)

      God is telling you to be vigilant because that demon is lurking to attack.
      You have done the right things that needs to be done. Now you have to get closer to the word of God which is our sword, bond with the Holy spirit and let him take control over your life. If you keep anything that belongs to the devil, he will surely come to collect it. That demon will continue to revisit to see if the is room. Be vigilant as the Bible says, pray continues by asking Holy Spirit to fill your heart and mind every. When you have a Christlike mind and live for him alone, it does not matter how many times they will try, but they will never succeed. Surround yourself with right people who can also pray with you everyday.

    • #178765 Reply

      I have been masturbating for over 1yr now. I have browsed vividly on how to stop this masturbation. I promise God never to stay away from him but this dream wants to put a wall between me and my God. yet I still fight to stop it. for over 2 weeks now I have been having the urge to do that but I do say no to it. I pray, I fast yet I still have the urges. I cried for the holy Spirit to fill up my heart so that I will be free from this deadly disease. anytime I masturbate, I don’t always feel happy I feel sad always. I always regret obeying devil. I don’t want anybody to do practice this act of masturbating, I make sure that those around me doesn’t masturbate. I found out that this masturbation weakens the spirit. u won’t have the strength to do good again but always have for doing bad. I don’t know why I can’t resist the spirit of masturbatiy but can run away whenever someone tries to seduce me. for over this 2 weeks now I haven’t masturbate nor watch porns but there is this wicked dream disturbing me always. which is dreams of masturbation. I have fast and prayed against it vividly yet to know avail. I am happy that atleat in this 2weeks of temptation I am able to reside the urge of masturbation but whenever I resist it real life. in my dream it looks that I am too weak. I beg for God’s help. I beg for his deliverance. I want to be with him for the rest of my life. I want to serve him forever. but no matter the fact that am not delivered, I still fight to see that others are delivered out of this stolen spirit. u spirit of masturbating I hate u with passion. I hate ur existence. stay away from me. I break any convenient I have with the demons and pray that the one I have with God almighty must shine. the devil and his agents shall sure be put to shame.
      please tell me is there any other way to be delivered from this masturbation, dreams, urges etc
      pls I need ur help.
      thanks and God bless you as you help.

    • #181436 Reply

      You have to go on an extended period of fasting and prayer (minimum 7 days) so that the Lord can give you your more specific actions to take to free you from this addiction. At this point your flesh is having the upper hand so the time of fasting and prayer will weaken the flesh so that you can loose that chain of masturbation. Google scriptures that speak on deliverance from sexual sin and google phrases like “deliverance from masturbation Scriptures”. From the scriptures that come up pick 3 that speaking of your deliverance and begin to confess them daily. Also begin to take Communion over this issues. Put a blocker on your phone and computer so you are unable to visit those ungodly sites, throw out sexual books or magazines and if possible remove or limit access to friends who are living a sexually sinful life. You can start with 15 mins but build up your discipline to pray in tongues for at least an hour during the period you decide to fast because as you pray in the spirit God will give the extremely specific answer that only he can as to what is the root of your stronghold. You may have generation sexual familiar spirits in your family line that you need to cast out to be completely free or it may be a reaction to abuse in your childhood etc. So many reasons why we get bound in sexual sin. Join the 7 day fast coming up on Jan 4 on this site and I believe you will get your healing and freedom.

    • #182217 Reply


      To add on, please try to stay away from things that induce the feeling of masturbation, it could be your phone, the things you watch(music, movies etc), books you read and etc.

      I once had this problem, I used to pray and fast, I could stop in a while but then go back at it again. I got so angry and sad that I couldn’t stop myself, however I remember I used to hear(prolly the Holy Spirit speaking to me) that it was time to stop watching series and movies(I used to like binging on movies and series, and most of them series were kind of induncing these sexual sin).

      So now I stopped watching series, movies, music that I knew caused the spirit of masturbation to come into me.
      And guess what, it’s almost been a year now, I do not dream or do any masturbation👏🏾🙌🏾
      So you can try ask God and evaluate yourself on what causes you to feel whatever you are feeling for that spirit to take over you. God has delivered you however, it’s high time you fetch and use that deliverance! Good luck and may God be with you.

    • #200023 Reply

      When I masturbate in my dream, I wake up and still do it again.
      I get angry after doing it.
      Father Lord please forgive me

    • #207440 Reply

      What should I do when I dreamt of masturbating. I just got delivered recently. Please help me

    • #207954 Reply

      I’ve just discovered the missionaries of prayer website- I hope everyone who commented on this post gets notified of my comment, I think it will help you all.
      1st, I would just like to recap what others have said -pray about if this could be a generational curse and if so see the excellent 3 part post on missionaries of prayer about breaking generational curses. (Also check out anointing your house post).
      Others also mentioned not looking at TV or movies or online things that encourage the spirit, and stopping watching certain shows that awaken those type of desires in you. I would also say ask God if any objects or books or whatever should be removed from your home that are possibly harbouring the spirit; either that you have brought into your home or that others have given you. And definitely as soon as you awake from one of these dreams rebuke it and asked to be filled with the Holy Spirit. As also mentioned, pray with your spiritual mentor about this; If you do not have one in real life, then request prayer through email or a prayer telephone line at your local church or anothet ministry you respect, or of course missionaries of prayer website! But primarily I would review your going to bed routine. This is a time to go on the offense and do a preemptive strike, rather than react in defense of something that has already happened.
      Get rid of watching any shows, listening, looking at things before bedtime that you shouldn’t. Turn off the TV so that the blue light does not disturb your sleep, and so that you do not hear anything you should not be hearing. If you need to listen to something, put on instrumental gentle worship music or listen to a Podcast or audio book from one of your favourite Christian authors or something like that. Then, my pastor has recently been teaching on visions and dreams, and I took notes on a prayer that he says before he goes to sleep every night. I did not get it verbatim so I don’t want to say I’m quoting him, but below is the prayer that I rewrote from my notes. It has been helping me, I think it will help all of you, too!
      BEDTIME PRAYER Routine:
      (First, Turn off the TV!)
      We can get up in the will of God every morning, because He seals his instructions in our ears as we sleep!

      Pray: “Thank you, God, for a good day! While I sleep, I surrender my mind & my subconscious, my heart & soul, my spirit and my body to you!
      Please protect me from every attack of the enemy. Keep my soul from the pit! Rebuke any other spirits besides the Holy Spirit.
      Heal and deliver me in my sleep; bring increase in every area of my life in my sleep.
      Purify every thought I’ve allowed in. Thank you for putting Your Wisdom and Instructions in my mind and ears as I sleep. My mind is right, because I have the Mind of Christ -and You have sealed it in!!
      Thank You for sanctifying me, this room, and this whole place (house, hotel, the structure I am in). Thank you for protecting me and giving me ALL Your blessings as I sleep! In Jesus’s Holy Name, Amen!” (finish this prayer by speaking a few minutes in your Holy Spirit inspired prayer language).
      -paraphrased from Pastor Rod Parsley ‘Visions and Dreams’ sermon series.

      I would just add that it is especially important to pray this prayer if you are sleeping somewhere you normally don’t -at a friend or relative’s house, or especially a hotel or motel; you do not know what manner of spirits have been left behind by previous guests! Again, be proactive, not reactive.
      And, Be BLESSED!

    • #214410 Reply

      I had a dream of masturbate as well, but immediately l said to my self in the dream that am not going to do what l have rejected. Then l woke up

    • #215721 Reply

      Hello Gloria,

      Good job! What you said in the dream is the right answer. May God give you the strength to be free of ALL that is repulsive to Him, in waking life, both literally/metaphorically and physically/spiritually.


    • #234354 Reply

      I am a born again Christian as well trapped with the sun of masturbation. I always feel guilty after doing it, it feels like I’m betraying God and his holy spirit .I feel so worthless after the act. I still pray God help me get rid of it completely

    • #235814 Reply

      Hello Sandra,

      Thank you for sharing your struggle with us. What came to mind is Matthew 5:30. Take an inventory of your activities, pleasures, environment based on this scripture and do likewise. Once you do that, claim Hebrews 4:16.


    • #264848 Reply

      I was a Christian, but had not given my life to Christ, but before I have my life to Christ, I had been engaged in p*** and masturbating on my own. And anytime I do such I always regret doing it, so after giving my life to Christ and some series of prayers. I dreamt that someone had s** with me by force in the dream and when I woke up immediately, I had already masturbated. I felt lost and I don’t want this to happen to me again. What do I do?

    • #265474 Reply

      Hello Emmanuel,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      Pray to cancel any such dreams upon waking. Pray for mercy and deliverance from previous and current addictions if applicable. Do your part to close any open door ways (watch you, read, hear) that makes you yield into temptation. Sometimes, such dreams can be demonic attacks including witchcraft. Finally, check your environment and the partners that you have.

      You need to be secure in who you are Christ if you have truly given your Life to Christ and He is your Lord and Saviour. The enemy always roams around like a roaring lion looking for who to devour (1 Peter 5:8). If you are innocent of partaking of any sinful thing, resist the devil as per James 4:7 and never forget the true meaning of the Armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) and put it on regularly. Do not neglect spending time with the Lord regularly be it through reading the Bible, praise and worship. This spiritual discipline part of your life is critical.


    • #267108 Reply

      I have been struggling with masturbation for quite a long time. But recently I stopped through much discipline and prayers.But after a while I will have this dream of either masturbating or being stimulated by someone in my dreams. And after these experience I will start having those lustful desires that I’ve done away with,and finally after like a 3-4day struggle,I’ll end up masturbating. I just had that dream today and I need help

    • #270621 Reply

      Hello Godwin,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      You have a choice. What do you love more? Jesus or masturbation? You pick. He is with you in Spirit in the room when you partake of the sin. Are you comfortable with Him watching you?

      Please note that these questions are not meant to embarrass you but are written as I felt led to share. Remember Zechariah 4:6 and be encouraged!


    • #275615 Reply

      I had a dream about masturbating in front of a bathroom mirror, and soon after I. The same dream I was masturbating with a man I haven’t spoken to in many years as we both were doing this acted in front of each other and finished I woke up and climaxed I felt terrible and asked God to forgive me but than I asked God please what ever evil this was that was in my dream to not allow it to come to past in the phiscal

    • #305231 Reply

      I stopped masturbating two weeks ago but then I dreamt of masturbating was it real or pls help me

    • #312481 Reply


      I have been experiencing dreams of Masturbation if I’m not the one doing it I see other people in my dreams Masturbating, having s** or watching porn,like now I had a dream where i was in a bathtub with two other people naked and the one was trying to assault the other one while i felt as if i was being forced to do the same but was pretending.

      With such dreams i experience orgasm

      I used to watch porn and Masturbating back then but went for deliverance and now i have abstained from any sexual activities but the dreams I’m struggling with.

      • #338104 Reply

        I had the same dream as everyone else I am a born again christian and not once after I have turned to christ did I masterbate but this dream was wildly crazy. Cause I kept on doing it non stop.

        I am very new to christianity, I do nit have family who are focused on god. It is only me.

    • #312850 Reply

      Hello Anonymous,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone provides the correct interpretation.

      Watch your thought life. Sometimes, the enemy also comes to torment us for he is a bully and destroyer. If you can honestly say that you are clean or pure in that area read and pray Psalm 24 (in different versions until you get a revelation) and invite the King of Glory to deal with this situation once and for all.

      May the King of Glory magnify Himself in your life in Jesus’s Almighty Name I pray, Amen!


    • #315541 Reply

      I have a masturbation problem as well.
      I know sexual sin has been in previous generations and I am well aware of that, I also prayed for it.
      Thing is, sexual thoughts came into my mind when I was 8. Pornographic and sexual stories, even though I have been protected by my parents and cannot recall seeing anything of that kind.
      When I was 15, I got depressed and got addicted, I eventually told my parents, and after that it was just gone.
      But after a few years, it came back.
      Not as a ‘real’ addiction, but every month at the same time, which sadly also has to do something with hormones I believe.
      I always get in a trance and can’t seem to get out of it. Last time, it was more because suddenly missed intimacy, and it was less sexual (if that even makes sense). I don’t know what to do anymore…. because now I have dreams of sexual things; putting on tight clothes and wearing lingerie.
      It doesn’t help that girls on the streets dress like that and that at work, there is this ugly lingerie store just before my face.
      I feel guilty, but God always tells me that I am forgiven if I repent.
      So I repent. But it still happens each month. I long for a husband and children.
      I feel so lonely. And my hormones are all over the place.
      Please pray for me.

      My parents pray for me and my siblings pray for me. I have friends praying for me as well.
      But there is no anointing one in the church where I go and they do not talk about those things.

      • #316994 Reply

        just noting you are talking about Key ages spiritually. apperently free masons and cults pedophiles want to ritually abuse their victims before or at age 8. also, 16 is also a key milestone/transitional stage in ones life (8*2). i dnt really have much to comment on, just that those key milestones popped out to me.
        deliverence is a process each one of us must go through; steady as you go – keep consistency and remeber the battle is already won1 your perseverance will bring forth a sanctfied andfree lineage unto the Lord too, so soldier on! Christ Jesus of Nazareth is all our substance; El Shaddai

    • #316906 Reply

      1.Accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior.

      2. Renounce and repent of any unforgiven sin in your life out loud to God.
      Accept that he has forgiven you.

      3. Say out loud..
      Spirit of masturbation I command you to come out of me in the name of Jesus!! Blow out with your mouth at least 3 times. It may cause you to cough.Say it again.
      And blow and cough 3 more times.

      That’s it!
      Never go back to the sin again.

      Now fill your mind with the Bible daily.
      The only way to overcome Satan is to stay close to Jesus and study his word.
      Satan will eventually flee from you.
      Submit yourself to God.
      Resist the devil and he will flee.

      Evil spirits have to be called out by their specific name and from the person they have entered. Not by someone else.
      If you want to get rid of them. Start calling all of them out in Jesus name.

    • #316990 Reply

      Hi. I used to have a huge issue with masturbation and fornication practically all my life to due child on child abuse as a kid. I got saved in April and completely stopped masturbating in May/June but for the past 2 1/2 months I’ve had about 3 or 4 dreams of me masturbating. With those dreams I never feel tempted to do the real thing because I simply have no desire to. But it makes me think that I must have the desire if I keep having these dreams. Often times the dreams are quite intense, so much so that it causes me to think i did it in real life. Since I’m new in the faith & don’t have anyone to talk to about this irl I wasn’t rebuking the dreams (except for the one I just had). I will also mention that I have fornicated with someone in these past months as well so maybe it could be connected to that? I’m truly done with both fornication & masturbation but are these dreams trying to tempt me? I read somewhere that it says it means that I’m selfish and I don’t know if thats true but who am I to say that I’m not selfish.. but i also feel like God would not show me that I’m selfish by giving me a dream thats demonic…

    • #326401 Reply

      I do not masturbate nor do I have the urge to in my waking life. I tried masturbating years ago because everyone was doing it and I was not? I thought it was the normal thing to do and people would make me feel abnormal for not participating in this act. I am 28 y/o and I still do not have urges. I think I may be asexual? I have no clue and I have no sex drive. However, sometimes I have dreams about me having the urge to masturbate and whenever I try there is something blocking me or hindering/preventing me from doing so in my dream.

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