Buying a house with lizzards in it

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    • #24718 Reply

      I dreamt that I bought a large house from someone I have known since childhood. I did not like the house nor the seller, but I still bought it. I moved in with my sons. The house was vast and I really did not like it, I hated it. I then noticed two red coloured monitoring lizzards going from room to room. I tried to chase and capture them but could not. I really hated the house and could not understand why I would buy a house I don’t like from someone I like.

    • #24769 Reply

      Your house can be your personal life, your business/work life or your church. I am discerning from this dream that this is your church. You know something is wrong there and you are still staying and sitting under the demonic influence. These lizards represent witchcraft and gossip. It is time for you to move from this place. When you move you don’t need to participate in the gossip by telling others why you are leaving, you just need to leave. Do it for your children – natural or spiritual and move from there.

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