Prophetic Word for April 2022

prophetic word april 2022

Consider this your next prophetic training video.  You all did such an incredible job with the prophetic message on the last video I shared.  I got so much out of reading your comments some things that I didn’t see when I watched it but it was clear after reading what some of you wrote.

When you’re prophetic, messages tend to jump out at you even when you are not looking for one.

This video below is JAM PACKED with messages.  There is one obvious message but there are so many others interwined in what she said.

The video is only 5 minutes and 9 second.  Without reading the comments, grab what God is saying based on the video then write what you are hearing in the comments and please provide scriptures as well.

If no one picks up on what I got from this, I’ll post it next week.

Remember, don’t read the comments until you leave your own comment.  There is no wrong answer just what you hear God saying to you through this.


68 thoughts on “Prophetic Word for April 2022”

  1. I got “working out of season” ! Doing unnecessary things out of the timing of God, resulting in messy situations that could have been avoided had we be patient!

  2. Very powerful message!!!
    I heard Holy Spirit whisper “It’s Already Prepared.” Literally, we are walking into our divine destinies. The Lady in the video by trade is a Project Manager, and everything is fast paced in that world. But in Gardening it’s run by times and seasons, which produces the harvest. She can’t control the gardening world.

    God caused enough rain, sun, and even snow to fall on the seeds. Everything will sprout up at its proper timing. It may not look like it on the surface, but there is a lot of activities being done in the ground, hence just like in the Spiritual realm. The scripture below leaped in my Spirit.

    1 Corinthians 3:6-9

    “6 I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. 7 So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor.9 For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.”

    Trusting God equates to patience. We have to breathe and know that every promises of God is being fulfilled in our life. God is the Gardener…

    John 15:1

    “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.”

    God knows the timing of everything. He needs our obedience, trust, and patience to receive everything that was prepared for us before time began. It doesn’t matter what the weather is like outside, that seed in the ground is producing much. It might even sprout up today!!!

    Many Blessings to you,
    Humble Koryan

    1. So I am learning the Lord is so intentional! I heard him telling me to just enjoy the weeding and the pruning he is doing in me! And that he is preparing his harvesters to go and reap the fields. He is waking up the church and bringing it into fruition and we have no idea what lies before us. I feel its beautiful and not horrible! Blessings to all!

  3. I heard God clearer say, “Be Still” and let me do my work and work on you. I believe that it comes from the following scripture, Psalms 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God; I will exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” I also believe that God is saying don’t be so hasty to do or get things that we desire, even if they are healthy for us because they will come at the right time. That we shouldn’t force an outcome on anything, including the good things. Although the storms and rains will come, that’s what’s going now with “wars and rumors of wars” nature seems all over the place with things happening in areas they don’t normally happen. However, again however, God is telling me that I should be patient waiting on Him to work out all issues. Which is confirmed in 2 Thessalonians 3:5 “And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ.” Although the task, the move, the shift, seems impossible, if I wait on God nothing is impossible, but it will be done right. Luke 1:37 “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” Therefore, while being “still” God is teaching us patients and trust that He will perfect all things. James 1:1-27

  4. Wind, snow are not ideal weather for a garden. Snow is significant:

    When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet. – Proverbs 31:21

    As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭55:10-11‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    Hide in the shed from the elements…for protection!

    Different career from gardening yet is a seasoned gardener. Even as a seasoned person, one can still make mistakes. We have a set plan but it’s the Lord’s purpose that prevails (Prov. 19:21).

    “You Obey. Always thinking about schedule.” What is happening next in our lives may seem off schedule but it’s not as God operates in Kairos.

    Unusual weather…birds still chirping in the snow! Seasons are mixed together! Wow!!!

    Despite what others say, it’s not time to plant. You will wreck your soil if you mess with it right now! Just be patient. You may miss out on a spring season and have to do a fall crop. “I will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and olive oil.” Deuteronomy 11:14 (NIV)

    Just be patient x3.
    Don’t mess with your soil right now.

    “When a farmer plows for planting, does he plow continually? Does he keep on breaking up and working the soil? When he has leveled the surface, does he not sow caraway and scatter cumin? Does he not plant wheat in its place, barley in its plot, and spelt in its field? His God instructs him and teaches him the right way.”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭28:24-26‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    When is it going to end? When will Spring come? And it’s WILL come! Don’t rush it.

    “But for those who are righteous, the way is not steep and rough. You are a God who does what is right, and you smooth out the path ahead of them. Lord, we show our trust in you by obeying your laws; our heart’s desire is to glorify your name.”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭26:7-8‬ ‭NLT

  5. Develop long suffering and patience.
    As much as God created us with free will to make decisions, we need to align our thoughts and decisions with him as the creator in order to make wise decisions. As much as a decision is valid ,right, or seems right it has to have a base in God’s standards hence one need to rely on God always. proverbs 3:5.
    This being said, the video on one part on the onset she admits of being a project manager by trade and what comes with that is being on schedule being on time taking no chances. Woth that in mind she thought of planting not knowing what the weather will be like.
    Prophetically this brings to my attention the parable of Jesus in Luke 12:16-21(read) of a man who thought of satisfying his desires at the expense of aligning himself with God. The lady in the video did not bother to inquire about the weather pattern in order to sow at the right time. Basing herself as a certified project manager, she went ahead twice on the wrong.
    The man on Jesus’ parable did not put God in his thinking as needed and was swayed
    By the world Romans 12:2 not knowing how to secure his wealth in the lord hence the worst experience.
    As much as we have time to do things it is advisable to rely on God and sought his direction on matters even if the decision is obviously right ,seek God’s thought on it before proceeding, by doing that we allow God to direct our steps if everything we do and we show that we are dependent on him according to Jeremiah 10: 23 by doing this we will evade lots of calamities in life because all righteousness in the world devoid of God’s input is a sin in God’s eyes so as a believer filled by Gods spirit we need to allow God’s direction in our decision making process through the Holy Spirit according to John 16:8-11 hence walking by the speed in all we do Galatians 5:16. If there is no direction on a matter at the moment, then be patient with the Lord in faith don’t just go ahead and do what you wanted to do, it might be the Lord is using the matter to train you to be a better person to him 2 Corinthians 5:15, Romans 12:12.
    Like the lady in the video got lessons of not working the garden when it is wet and swampy we would not want to go that way. Our patience will be beneficial James 5:7,8.
    Please bear with me I was not able to write all the scriptures you may refer to the Bible. Shalom.

  6. Plant when the lord tells you to plant not necessarily when others are doing the timing of the planting. I Thought of retirement.
    Also, take heart, things won’t always be this way.

  7. I got Ecclesiastes Vibes. There is a time for everything. Also was thinking about water can sometimes signify the Holy Spirit. Maybe even though we know the Holy Spirit is moving in on a situation/person we need to let it completely do it’s work before we act on what God has told us about the situation/person (insert whatever promise you have from God). Waiting on God is imperative. No answer from God is always an answer. It means keep waiting.

  8. Surrender your timeline to God. Just because you are used to doing things at a certain time or in a certain order doesn’t mean that is how God wants you to do it this time. Be patient and trust God’s timing. Sometimes your soil (heart) isn’t ready to receive what you want. Don’t try to plant before it’s time. Wait. Be patient. Spring (joy, hope, renewal, deliverance) is coming. Just wait.

  9. 1. To everything there is a season. Ecclesiastes 3:1 We need discernment to understand when to plant and wait.
    2. Don’t get ahead of God: Patience is key in accessing God’s perfect timing for our lives. James 1.4
    3. Accept God’s timing. Let God direct you. Experience sometimes can fail you. Learn to trust God for direction in every situation. Proverbs 16:9
    A man’s mind plans his ways, but the Lord direct his steps.

  10. I’m a project manager so I can completely relate to that time clock that runs in the back of your head so the lessons on divine strategy and Gods perfect timing has been a tremendous blessings.

    What stuck out to me the most (and replayed over and over because the video kept stopping) was the beginning. “I struggle with patience…*focussed on* getting out of the wind and the rain”. I also gleaned from her words about stirring the soil and not being still during the wait and embracing “long faith” that things will bloom in the season God seems appropriate which might not be the one you think is “ideal”.

  11. Many times we must wait for God’s timing because it is perfect. We have to be humble enough to wait on Him without losing hope or abandoning our assignment completely.

  12. This blessed me.

    What I got out of the video is..WAIT ON GOD, if you go before HIM you will double work yourself. Be patient!

  13. I’m hearing the Patience is key. Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge him in all your ways and he will make your paths straight Prov 3:5-6. This speaks to me because there are situation currently that I believe the Lord is saying be patient and let him take care of the 5 W’s so to speak. Rest, and focus on him. In due time the season will appear and the harvest will be great.

  14. Overall theme: be patient
    Romans 12:11-13 “Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.”
    ‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:11-13‬ ‭MSG‬‬

    God’s plan doesn’t fit into our schedule. People will say it’s time to do or be something but God will always guide you in the right direction. Trying to do things ahead of Him will only make a mess of what he’s trying to give you. The blessings WILL come, be patient.

  15. I heard “Shall you not know if it?” I had to ask the Holy Spirit what that scripture was. He led me to Isaiah 43:19

    There is an urgency to to wait on God to speak, show, instruct and direct. God is shifting/things from what we (humans) think is the “norm” and we need to hear, see and KNOW clearly.
    We should not “mess” with soil when it isn’t ready. The “soil” represents our lives, Ministries, businesses, the assignments God has tasked us to do. When that “something” isn’t ready to be tilled, planted, a mess will be created.
    We must prepare and be ready for the “Spring” “Harvest.” We must be prepared in His timing. We are no longer on the Gregorian Calendar. We are on God’s Calendar/timing (Kiros). So it is imperative that we sit and go deeper in God to hear the specific plans/blueprints He has for us in this season. It’s not the same as the past. We can’t do things the same way like before. We also need to learn from the past so we won’t go around the same mountain again. This time if we do, it could be a disaster.
    We must listen to the forecast (Gods instructions), believe the forecast (God’s word) and wait on the forecast (God) to move and tell us WHEN.

    1. It is Spring……yet it is flooded, wet and snowing. The soil and nature is on its own clock. We have to wait until the wet weather clocks out before we can clock in. And whether we like it or not it is not gonna happen on our demand. Sometimes we have to go with the flow and let things fall and settle into its own place then we can get to work. If we force it we wreck it. And we also end up working twice. Relax….let the Lord settle the, dust, weather, climate whatever……then when it’s our time we will able to work with clarity and keen clean vision…..that’s what I got out of this.

      1. Don’t mess with your soil (making decisions and or movements) when it or you are in a fragile state. God is tilling your soil (breaking up the soil to prepare it for planting) for the next level he is taking you in the spiritual. Be patient his will be done.

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