Christian Dream Symbols and Meaning

Many of us have dreams and visions and we are sometimes looking for the meaning to them.  The key when interpreting dreams and vision is to pay attention to your emotions, your senses – how you feel, what you smell and also the colors that are represented in your dreams.

God uses our dreams and visions as a way communicating with us giving us warnings and revealing our destinies and purpose.

Here’s a simple process to interpreting your own dreams:

1. Pray and ask God for the Interpretation 2. Search for the symbols in the bible and see how they were used. 3.Wait on the Lord.

With that said, we have created a dream dictionary where you can type in your dream symbol and search for it in our database.  Of course, this only has some and not all symbols.  The database has currently around 1500 symbols. Our goal is to continue to maintain and add to it each month.

Whatever you can’t find here you need to pray about it.  God will give you clarification.

Dream Dictionary Search


80 thoughts on “Christian Dream Symbols and Meaning”

  1. I had a vision of oil with diamonds in it being poured over me. If you could help me with this, I will greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance. God bless.

  2. Hi! I had a dream in the middle of the day about me losing my hair while washing it, I can’t seem to remember what happen before losing my hair but I do remember feeling very scared, please help me translate.

  3. I dreamed a pack of many white wolves were circling me and my family. Our house and family were in the center of these circling wolves. At first I feared an attack was coming, then the truth hit me with revelation type clarity: these wolves were not intending evil. Actually, they were protecting us from something! Some outside evil…………here’s a note–we are right in the process of leaving a very highly religious Christian setting. We are searching Gods will for us in finding another church that focuses on Jesus Christ, rather than works only.

  4. I had a dream of waking up with long thick false eye lashes when I saw those lashes on me I didn’t like them because they didn’t look natural at all. If were to wear fake lashes I felt they had to look natural.

  5. I dreamed I that my mom, me and a friend went to a place where people relax and enjoy themselves. There was a preacher and his evil elderly mother who lived there. The preacher was very kind, but I didn’t agree with what he preached. His mother was always saying evil things to us and she hated me very deeply for disagreeing with her son’s preaching. When it was time for us to return home, the preacher decided to come back with us for a month. So he asked a friend to take over his (the preacher) work till he returned. His friend refused at first, but after some strong convincing, he agreed to do it. At that point I woke up.

  6. hello, I saw a palm tree grow to the clouds while I was on the house top. then it shrunk back down to the level of the house top that I was on. a man then step on the roof top and it became enclosed like a house with four walls.

  7. It was morning around 6:40, suddenly I woke and realized I had a dream of removing gloves and saw my wedding ring and another gold ring disappear from my ring finger. I’m scared and so much going on my mind as I read losing a wedding ring is a bad omen.

  8. Hi, in the past week i’ve had dreams of like me dressing provocative and men desiring me, or they keep looking at my breasts. And the problem is that i liked it. When i wake up i as God for forgiveness cause i feel awful, by it especially after i just reconciliated with him.

  9. Hi I have dreamt that someone brought wet ash and apply my hair not my scalp.
    What does it mean?
    Thank you

    1. Your hair means your glory,or covering,ashes stands for dead things or things that have lost their essence or pray that ur covering,or glory be preserved, reverse it in Jesus name.use the blood to reverse it

  10. Hi. I had a vision. It happened thrice in different ways and days but i believe it has the same meaning. My first vision was my hands became huge. Second, i felt a heavy weight at my back. And the third, my hands became huge and so heavy. I was trying to find out what it means, i hope you can enlighten me.. Thank you so much and may God of heaven bless you all.

  11. Hi! I have dreamt of a sea with a really beautiful view down below. I was swimming with a monkey, and a turtle bit what’a odd is they are really fast and I am just behind them, however I am swimming with one hand only. What I felt during the dream is bravery and confidence because I was able to pass through the end of the sea in victory, we all are together with the monkey and the turtle. It would be my honor to hear the meaning of the dream, thank you! God bless you!

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