two faces that were mine.

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      My face was on two people who was attempting to make it into this man’s office without being seen by the bodyguards that were at some of the doors. It was a large edifice and the people talking sounded like thousands of birds flapping their wings, and while we hid and peeked and advanced, we made it to the door where a man was and one of me went in and the other me stood outside the door like the other men was doing. The message to the man was if he did not agree to allow God to take over the service that his family would perish.
      Once he said OK, immediately one of me was at the podium and the dream stopped. but I did see the machine that I Dream Of Jennie used in one of her episodes. It was a machine that she put like a coin in to see what was going to take place.
      I believe I know some of the dream interpretation but not all of it..

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