Thief trying to come in the house

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      I have already started with my prayers but am not yet on a fast. I thought to myself I don’t know how I should pray about my situations because they are not changing. Someone sent me your link then I saw how you encourage us to pray with tongues because we have been praying with our own language and things are not changing. This is the dream I got please interpret it for me. I have started praying in tongues and I think the enemy is not pleased.

      I dreamt a man trying to force himself in the house. Well I thought I locked the sliding burglar but then I saw him inside. I was with my primary school teacher I then ran to my moms bedroom then woke her up telling her locked the door. My mom told me she’s changing into pyjmas I should just hold the door. The lock on the door was somehow broken but I managed to lock it whilst holding it. When my mom dressed up she poured water in a bucket and poured it over her bed and also kept a bucket so that when the thief came in he will go straight to bed then she pours him with water then he would be defeated. As we were ready I unlocked then my teacher told me the man ran away to a nearby house. That’s when I woke up.

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