sinking car

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    • #319083 Reply

      I had a dream that my husband and I were driving down a road covered in water. He was driving. The road had no rails or sides and had water on both sides as well as water on the road. We knew the road because we had been on it before. As long as his eyes were on the road we were fine because you could see the road through the water. It was not deep but enough water that it was completely covered. He took his eyes off the road and we drove into the water and started sinking. It was pitch black then I woke up. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!!

    • #322802 Reply

      I am picking up the story of Peter walking on water. If your husband’s eyes are not on Jesus, the two of you are in trouble. The road is the path that Jesus is asking him to take as he leads your fanily. I like that you are allowing Him to lead by driving the car but you need to pray and trust God to lead Him. Pray for him. The water could be good or bad, when the enemy comes in like a flood the Lord raises up a standard, could be one interpretation of the water. The other is that the Word of God is also referred to as water in the Bible.

      Read Isaiah 59:19, Ephesians 5:25-26

    • #332737 Reply

      Thank you so much. I don’t feel like he is leading us in the right direction. He has his mind on worldly things. Smoking, drinking, women and his satisfaction. At times I feel like my prayers are affective and other times I feel like we are taking 10 steps back. He will start going to church and then stop. I feel like this battle for my marriage, his salvation and our childrens salvation is in vain. I know it is not and I will continue to trust God and keep praying. Thank you so much.

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