Sick Dog

Home Forums Prayer Requests Sick Dog

  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 6 years ago by Keith.
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    • #54481 Reply

      Hailey is 10 years old suffering from laryngeal paralysis. This needs to be reversed and her airway needs to be normal. Plus the gave antibiotics for stomach, liver, kidneys, intestine etc..
      She is all I have left. My husband passed away and then Hailey’s brother who she is still mourning for.
      Please pray for her health to return to normal.
      Thank you.

    • #54696 Reply

      May the Lord hear and bless you and your companion open your heart to God and he will hear you I’ve lost companions also may Jesus have mercy on Hailey and heal him for God created the creatures of the earth and saw it was good he knows Hailey and loves him also may he put his blessed hands on Hailey and deliver him from this illness always remember as I had to understand also that when we give our souls to God he gives us the desires of our hearts your husband and Haileys brother awaits you and Hailey in Heaven be assured you wou will all be together again .

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