Second time dream about my work place

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    • #241550 Reply
      Fobay Emery Johnson

      The past two years I have been having trouble at my work place. My boss and I became estranged. Have been suspended for over a year and possibly facing being fired. Anyway during these times some of our colleagues from work died (8 persons) got drowned at sea. Now I dream of a particular guy Mr. Kellen, in my first dream we are working and he sits afar staring at us. All the others are going inside but I remain outside and shout to the others “hey there is Mr. Kellen” but only I can see him as the others are bewildered and looks around without seeing him. I point to him and burst into tears weeping pitifully.

      In the second dream, we are in the conference room of the office about to do some work. My boss strides in and aggressively instructs me to like supervise some work. Mr. Kellen is sitting at the end of the table with others in this room, he laughs in his own way. This time we all can see him. I walk up to him in an attempt to make small talk but he’s fixing his computer that is old and dusty. I blow the dust of the keyboard and realized the dust blows into his face, I pat him on the back and apologized. I walk away and then realized that he should be dead. I tell this to a colleague and he says no, he was found sometime later on a beach. And then I utter that maybe another guy Sam might still be alive. Mr. Kellen burst out in tears, I also burst into tears and we both are crying while the others are consoling us. I then see some other colleagues in dusty dirty clothes passing and I awake.

      I prayed before going to bed that God would show me something about my job as I have not received a letter of dismissal yet and I believe that this is something he wants me to know. Can someone please help me understand what it is?

    • #242002 Reply

      Hello Fobay,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. It sounds like you have had a very traumatic period in your life and are grieving as well.

      Please take everything that I say to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation. Please pay and reflect on Psalm 24 especially verses 3 to 5. Invite the King of Glory, Yahweh Sabaoth/The Commander of the Hosts of Heaven to come into your situation. There is an article on this website that might help.

      I was not very clear from your entry if Mr Kellen is alive or dead in real life. In addition, were the 8 colleagues confirmed dead at sea or assumed to be dead?


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