Saw Nuclear Explosion Afar

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      In my dream, I saw a nuclear explosion from the beach (I live in Vancouver Island, Canada). I saw a huge mushroom cloud go up and the tip started coming to us FAST. I started running in land towards one of the buildings along with other people and I wanted to get into the basement to hunker down. I got into the university library here and went in between the huge bookshelves to hide myself from radiation along with other people.

      When I woke up, I didn’t feel fear but I’m just wondering if this is judgement to our land or this is a personal dream. I don’t think this is just for my personal life but I just want to hear your thoughts on it. It’s also interesting that two days ago I decided to make it a habit to speak in tongues, at least before I sleep and then I haven’t got stagnation dreams that kept occurring but I have this lol.

      Thank you guys. God bless you all.

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