Sassy, the Wonder Dog!

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      Bernie Tomc

      Dear Missionary Prayer Warriors,

      Our beloved 11-year-old Havanese dog, Sassy, has undergone surgery today to try to remove a large lump below her chin. The doctor took a sample of the lump and sent it to the lab to see whether the lump will be benign or malignant. The doctor believes the lump is malignant. However, we will not know with certitude until the lab results come back next week. Sassy has been provided the Tomc family with unconditional love for 11 years and we pray that Jesus and Mary will intervene in this situation and free her from all malignant cancer. You see, Missionary Prayer Warriors, Sassy is a very special Havanese dog, she provides comfort and love to my father and aids him with his Alzheimers. Sassy is the third caregiver of the Tomc family along with myself and mother in our home. Without Sassy, we will lose a very special caregiver for my father. Eternal Father, you created Sassy and have blessed us with her love. Please intercede, Eternal Father, and heal Sassy from all malignant cancer, if it is Your Holy and Divine Will. Thank you for your prayers, Missionary Prayer Warriors. Amen.

      In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
      Bernie Tomc
      Gladstone, Missouri

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