Progress, spiritual growth, answered prayers

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      when I started the fast this is what was happening in my life.,. I was in a place where I wanted God more and was looking for a way to tap into him and go to another level in my walk… a lot of problems in my family were being dealt with. And my walk with God was shaky at best.,,, And, here’s what God did…,

      Testimony time…

      I can truly say that starting off my year with this group and the fast in 2023 was a very powerful and impactful thing for me… the first time I tried it for a week and didn’t have my all in it and God told me through a dream that basically I was slacking and needed to go harder to receive what I was looking for in this…so I did the 7 day fast a 2nd time the next week and went all in and it worked out just like that… the first thing that changed were my speaking of tongues in the spirit… I had spoke In tongues for a while but something happened in the spirit and it was like my mouth was unlocked and I began to speak much more fluently in my heavenly language within that week and it has remained with me since then… my dream life was always active but it has been extremely consistent since then as well and I’ve been doing my best to grow in the gift of interpretation so I can know what God is saying to me in my many dreams… all in all my walk has grown so much this year and I finally am in a place where I have been consistently close to God and I am pressing in more in more in this current season, seeking the manifestation of me destinies and my God given Purpose in life, relying on him more than ever in the process.,. I truly know that my walk has grown into a real relationship with God and I’m knowing him more and more regularly in every areas of my life he is showing himself… in my family like more than ever, I’ve seen my brother come back to God, my sister survive cancer and be healthy, and my family all together has become closer and started praying with each other as a family regularly… huge breakthroughs in my life… I truly believe that how I started this year paved the way for all that progress and I will continue to press in and be thankful for what God is doing… Missionaries of Prayer please continue to do what you are doing because I know it is helping so many people in their walk just like it has mine in my experiences with you all… I’m truly thankful for you all, and may God continue to bless you and prosper you in all you do!!!! 🙌🏽

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