Prayers For Protection

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    • #223230 Reply

      Please pray for me. I firmly believe that there is some form of demonic oppression hovering over my life. All my life, I have noticed that I am constantly being hit with one bad thing after another and many of these events occur without a clear reason. Because of this, I have spent a large portion of my life being very overly cautious and fearful. But I have grown tired of living this way and I am trying to live in freedom because that is what God has promised me. However, I’m starting to notice that my life is being attacked again and I am so tired of feeling like I am fighting a constant battle. I know that life is never going to easy but sometimes it feels like I am dealing with so many unnecessary and extreme hardships. Please just pray over my life. Please pray that the attacks will stop and that my relationship with God will not suffer. When I start to experience the constant attacks, I begin to feel very hopeless and even suicidal. Please pray for me.

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