Prayers for my wife who is lost and blinded by Satan

Home Forums Prayer Requests Prayers for my wife who is lost and blinded by Satan

  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 6 years ago by Annemarie.
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    • #52528 Reply

      These last 6 months have been testing to the point of breaking.

      Currently my wife Rebecca is lost in the world and seemingly digging deeper. We haven’t been living together for three months, she is fallling prey to the lies. She is drinking heavily, partying, and being unfaithful, and it’s all around our children when she has them.

      I’ve been doing my best to move in love and forgiveness. I’ve been praying for her return, hedge of thorns, And many other prayers I can find. I’ve reached a point today where I’ve released her, trying not to hold on too tightly. And am still praying for her return. I’m slipping too.

      She is under a Jezebel spirit and has been since we met. I just never understood it until recently.

      Please pray for us. Thank you

    • #53729 Reply

      Dear Jacob,
      I am praying for Rebecca, and that the Lord will deliver her from this destructive lifestyle. I am sorry that this is happening to you and your family, and I ask Jesus to place His hedge of protection around her. I just read Psalm 91, and received confirmation with this scripture. I ask the Lord to bind up and cast out any malevolent spirits that might be harassing her. It is times such as this that we need spiritual warfare and prayers. I will continue to intercede on Rebecca’s behalf. Be encouraged. ~Annemarie

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