Prayer request

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  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 6 years, 1 month ago by Thomas Johannes Guimaraes Mabunda.
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    • #45820 Reply

      Please pray for my sons healing of constant stomach pain & skin issues. His 8 years old. Also, that my daughter completes her barton program within a year, that she can read fluently, spell and understand what she reads. That God guides me through our life/ school journey. Direction of my marriage. Protection of my job, home and health for me and my family. Thank you.

    • #48672 Reply
      Thomas Johannes Guimaraes Mabunda

      Six (6) years are gone by I applied to Home Affairs for a legitimate Identity Document due to a fraud committed in the first application. All required documents were submitted. After an Appeal to the Minister the case was reopened and considered. I then received a Notice from Home Affairs that in 4 weeks time the case should be resolved, I was even informed that would the reply not come after the 4 weeks to contact them. Contacts in this regard are not fruitful. There is a silence again.
      Please pray for a breakthrough and the opening of the Gates of Righteousness against this unjust situation. God bless

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