olive oil and deliverance

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    • #224088 Reply

      Hi Missionaries

      Please help me interpret this 2 dreams

      1. I dreamt I went to the shop with my husband to purchase olive oils and a gentleman we do not really know ask us to purchase for him also. We went go the shop the oils were on sale for £1 each. We took up 4 bottles but then realized on the bottles was not on sale that one cost £12. We decided to leave that one. Then I saw a bottle of almond oil but it was on 3/4 full so I said to the lady I would have this one if you reduce the price. She then sold it to me for 50p. My husband also bought some bread biscuits. on our way back my husband was struggling to carry to bag, so I took on handle and he carry the next handle. Even then his side still seems heavy he had to stretched out his had that the bag was not; yet I was fine.

      2. I had a dream that my Bishop wife was behaving abnormal at church. She was worship but not in a fashion I had seen before. She was leaning her head to one side and her eyes were pulped out. I was up by the pulpit and realized what was happening and her husband the Bishop said to her you know you cannot sing why are you singing. I went over to her, laid on hand on her forehead and said “be delivered in the name of Jesus. Shortly after she was her normal self. She then came up to be and asked me “why I am be attacked by the devil, why me” and I said to her “if you are not attacked by the devil you are not living right, and she said “ok”

    • #224220 Reply

      Hello Kimone,

      Thank you for sharing your dreams with us. Please take everything I share to the Holy Spirit as He alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      Dream #1: God is inviting yourself and your husband to go deeper in Him and not look for the easy way out or cheap message. This invitation pertains to the Word of God and initially the load might be too heavy for your husband to carry, but you will be a support system to him.

      Dream #2: I am not 100% clear but sense that this lady might have been mislabelled! The “deliverance” needed might be from people who have a false perception of her and she might even be prophetic.


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