Monitoring Spirits or Familiar Spirits

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    • #24142 Reply

      I have posted so many prayers here- this season has gone on so long. I am in captivity in my own home. The manipulation of this group & their badgering coercion abuse I am drained from. I am needing to work on my business. The blessing of my business- being disabled & God making a way. This group is packed around me & can feel in my body headache to look out eyes & then a spell to disturb me to chair. I have my ministry & the road & then this one comes along & they want this & then the family person thinks I need this. I’m not being tugged/pulled. I go to my email & they are stalking me to get all the names of my companies. They are doing something spelled to my sexual that I am suppose to feel. To pay me back when they don’t get bowed down to. This group wants all of my time & to have business school red carpet and computer training. I am being raped in my data & personal by these dwarfs. Where is breakthrough? They say they are here for helping with 2 witches – but actually they put the witches here. I can’t be superwoman disabled. I have a grace killer & legalism. I don’t think they should go free from sexual abuse & badgering – so I give all of this to God on the alter. Someone wants to steal my joy & the sister in the church – is an abuser with misuse tongue & heard yell several times- because I had blessing. So the controls don’t want me to move forward or anything- chair seaters I rebuke. amen. Thank-you for listening. The telepathic stalker just showed up & he is on the list I printed of destructive groups with his character trait & these dwarfs have some too. (Mind Control), Deception, Love bombing, isolation, separation, though-stopping techniques). The next page seemed to have disappeared. The sexual spell continues with it’s witchcraft or whatever. I had an extreme disturb of the 2 relatives & spoke against – it was intensive disturb button pushing & then a female dwarf moves away behing the blind & I was not having that no more- she was putting that to me. They go to my body with assignments- or now one to my chair to put some sexual spell. If I get loud I can get out & it is a midget in a flannel shirt that has run through the door with the door game. This is just crazy. In the past they laugh & I think they need to quit stalking me & no ministry can come here & abuse to make me do anything. Enough is enough. I can sit without ministry if I want to get rid of it all & no one can curse/hurt/ speak something that you should of had protection etc. Can they go? I want to not do my business & it is a blessing. They are reading this right now. They are acting like unity & I rebuke the team they want. Did they remove my friend to hoard 24/7 in my home? Did they take him out to have territory? Lord I need this to leave= this captivity & this volunteer group trespassing to leave. I need relax in my home & I need recovery. I need a safe life & environment for my home, family & friends. So I repent if my tithe isn’t 10%. Thank-you for the expects in this matter. It is very demeaning, oppressing & hurtful to have abuse when you’ve had blessing. They want to rape through my business & see how I’m going to this & how I’m going to that. I am having a hard time to think straight. They are doing things at nighttime. My ministry is very good- when all my tithe is in. So the cost of all goes up except my check & I’m stuck. Here God through this prayer place. I’ve been yelling & swearing & not a yell & swear person. The quiet peace of life has been replaced by a gossip chicken cackling big mouth & her wily feet hoard that has seized in, devouring, like a flood. How to get out. I am suppose to depart from evil & the fear of the Lord has me to- but their in my home & I’m not moving. They need to get out- amen.

    • #24151 Reply

      Teresa, please take the time to read these posts and walk through the process of deliverance and they will surely help you.

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