Left behind at a prison

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    • #197099 Reply
      Tammie Ford

      As a child I had a terrible dream that I’ve never completely forgotten. In the dream my parents, brother & I were traveling to another town to visit my great grandparents. About half way there we decided to stop at a local prison for a tour. Before I knew it my family had left without me and I was gathered in with the prisoners as though no one noticed I didn’t belong there. I am white but I remember most of the prisoners I was with were badly mistreated black people, malnourished with old tattered prison clothes. We were all shackled and being led into a room with a large drill press. One by one each of the prisoners layed their head on the drill press and a guard drilled though their head with a large drill bit. I stood there watching in horror at each one standing there bent over, head on press, with what looked like diarrhea pouring from their tattered pants and my turn inching up. Thankfully I woke up before my turn came. What could this possibly mean?

    • #197181 Reply

      Hi Tammie,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us and the fact that it has remained with you all this time is significant. Good job for seeking out the matter as per Proverbs 25:2. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit because He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      There might be a generational legacy (grandparents) of ministry work you’ve been called to do with people who are in bondage (literally or metaphorically). These people are not similar to you be it literally/mindset/lifestyle/religion (different race) but you have something similar or identify with them. This ministry is unique to you only and not other immediate family members (i.e., family of origin). I am not sure why but the following scripture Exodus 21:1-6 comes to mind. I pray that the Holy Spirit sheds light on what that is.


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