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    • #313960 Reply


      I’ve dreamt about a Gorilla who kept trying to follow me in every room that I would go into, but I was too afraid to get close to it. I knew that the gorilla wanted to be my friend, but I was too afraid and I was trying to keep my daughter away from it as well.

    • #313962 Reply

      I don’t know if this is coincidence, but 2 days after I had the dream I went out of town and when I arrived we parked the car to go eat. As we were walking to this restaurant I saw a statue of this gold gorilla. It was in front of one of those spiritual new age stores in Sedona. That was strange.

    • #314098 Reply

      Hello Scarlett,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share back to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate intepretation.

      For some reason the word “beast” comes to mind when I read your dream and in the context of the gorilla mentioned. Perhaps you are to be more assertive but be a “gentle” beast? However, fear might be holding you back.
      I think that the key to the interpretation is “I knew that the gorilla wanted to be my friend.” Is the Lord asking you to muster up the courage/power/strength of a gorilla in some area in your life? It may not be in a fashion that you are used to. I think this is a positive meaning of the gorilla in the context of your dream.
      The fact that you saw the statue on your visit may just be a reminder to have you seriously think about the first dream that you shared with us and what God might be trying to convey to you.

      I hope something mentioned thus far resonates and is enlightening. I welcome other’s input as it pertains to your dream.


    • #314101 Reply

      In addition, and in another note, the gorilla could represent an angel or some other spiritual being. I’m hesitant to say the Lord or another member of the Godhead because the biblical manifestations of the Godhead in animal forms are the dove, eagle, lamb, lion (Am I missing any other?), as far as I know.


    • #314120 Reply

      *** others’ input
      *** on another note

    • #314124 Reply

      One last thing, Scarlett! I can’t shake the thought that the gorilla can represent a person as well. In addition to what I’ve already shared, reflect on who you may deem is a “beast” and not giving you space even though they want to be your friend. Not sure if it has to do with your potential move. Please take it back to the Holy Spirit as per my usual disclaimer.


    • #314217 Reply

      Shalom F.E.,

      I think when you said,” Is the Lord asking you to muster up the courage/power/strength of a gorilla in some area in your life? It may not be in a fashion that you are used to. I think this is a positive meaning of the gorilla in the context of your dream.” This is what God needs me to be, the nature of a gorilla, but keep my emotions in check and pray to God for help with all that I’m up against and he will calm the storm for me.

      Thank you!


    • #314679 Reply

      You are welcome and may Yahweh Alone be praised!


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