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      I am in my church in the waking, Jubilee Christian Church. I see a cheetah walk up to me and as i walk up to it, it begins to retreat, It goes back to where it came from with its head and body still facing me. I then decide to run. i run out of the door and peep through the window and realize that the cheetah has gone back to where it came from and is seated, it now looks like a small cat. I begin to run. When i get out of the gate, i realize that the road is a murram road and not tarmac like it usually is. there is a flat surface for me to run and on the sides is heaps of soil that look like they were parted to give me a level surface for me to run through. Looks like the red sea experience for the children of Israel’s experience. I begin to run and realize that there are two men behind me motioning me to stop. One of them quotes Galatians 19, which ideally is not in the Bible. They get to me and one of them presses his hands on my chest which i realize are as cold as a freezer. I wake up.

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