Colt Dream

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      l was from like a farm and saw people busy.This farm was if it was mine and l was
      laughing with the workers in a happy mood with them.l was passing by going to my home like.When l arrived home,l went to the back of the house and there was green plants that were planted and well grown.l went near the wall like protecting the house from thieves and discovered there were stones that had been put just by the wall to go in and out.l was very suspicious.l went to my mothers bedroom and realized that the curtain did not cover to the end of the window.l put my hand in and pulled the curtain to ensure that all was in order and no one would see the inside of the room.l then started talking to this person
      but l didn’t see the face.l was saying ,l feel there is something in this greenery hiding.l took pebbles of stones and threw to see what will happen.To my surprise
      a colt came out.l got surprised and am saying,l exclaimed,a”a colt in town”.l still picked up pebbles and threw so the colt could go out of the gate.It really did go but suddenly changed into a human being.L begin to say in the name of Jesus go and also spoke verses.l then saw now my family,brother and mother and while we are still standing that person came out,from the same back side of the house saw me and removed a big gun ,shot me on the shoulder but amazingly l did not died instead l protected all people and said go inside the house.It did not matter to me and l was not afraid of the gun nor that l was shot.All l wanted is to protect all that were there.L told my brother , tell mum that l am going to hospital for them to remove this bullet and then l woke up.

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