Church – christening

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    • #306729 Reply

      Hi, I saw this morning a dream where I was carrying – looked like I was the godmother (this child looks like and appeared to be my cousin’s daughter) being christened and she’s wearing shorts that I have right now but in a mini version. There’s also another a child being christened standing on my left side. As part of the christening ceremony I see that the child next to me being held make their way to the altar and kiss the altar table where the priest is. I then do the same thing walk up to the altar and kiss and the baby was fidgeting with the holy bible as the priest was praying. I make my way back to my seat and it’s like I see orange towels and kind of look like the one I have at home. During this time in my dream I’m asking myself the reason the baby is not dressed in a white gown to which at the same time I remind myself that her clothing will be changed at later stage of the baptism. I then see another girl I know wants to take turns to carry the baby as we are sitting and then when I wake up unsure if the baby was a girl or a boy.

      Btw this child (girl) has been baptised already and I was her godmother (in real life). Do you mind helping interpret this? Thank you so much and God bless you.

    • #306730 Reply

      Btw apologies the kissing of the altar table is done by the child not me (to the best of my memory of the dream). The orange towels also are the ones I previously had ( not 100% sure if they were mine or the family of the christened child)

    • #306731 Reply

      Hello F.,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share back to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      Reflect on someone who is a “mini” you or has a similar walk with you. You are called to serve (towels) this person and a future person with perseverance (orange). Others may help you carrying the load in the future in case you were worried about shouldering the “burden” alone.


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