Back from University?

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      I had a dream where I was in my house in the dream but its not my house in real life, I was in the tv room with a cousin from my husband’s side, her name is Kym and she was seated on a new grey tv L shaped seat. Then somehow, I knew my daughter had come from university and she had come with all these suitcases. They were put in the bedroom upstairs which had a double decker bed. I went to room and tried to create some space by putting the suitcases under the bed and there was a hand luggage bag which I lifted to put on the side. I noticed that the hand luggage bag was red in colour and rugged, the handle was almost coming off. After this I noticed that the window for the bedroom had a crack that could let in rain or water from outside. So, I went to look for some cello tape to cover it up. When I came back to cover and seal the window, I saw a dog in the room. And my dream ended as I was looking at the dog and wondering what it was doing here. During this dream I also noted that I had short hair, in real life I have short hair but my hair in dream was short but better than my hair in my real life.

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