Arena/stadium, ice skating

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    • #315762 Reply

      I had this dream at the start of the year.
      It started off with me in an indoor arena/stadium, one that holds concerts. The stage was a big circle on the ground floor level and all the seats went around and upwards.
      I knew in the dream that I was at a new bethel church branch that had just stared up and later that day they were going to be having a big worship event there.
      As I walked to the stage the pastor and his wife were starting up a prayer meeting. The pastors wife grabbed my hand and pulled me on the stage. Her and I were walking around the stage praying out loud in tongues. She seemed to know who I was and she was excited I was there.
      It felt powerful every time I spoke. There were others praying with us as well, we all were walking in a circle around the stage praying out loud in tongues.
      In the next scene every one else was gone and it was just the male pastor and on the stage alone.
      He was talking to me but I don’t know what he said. As he was talking I looked down at myself I thought for a moment that I was naked and I got embarrassed. I quickly looked back down at myself again and realised that I actually was wearing clothes but it was just hard to see that because I was wearing a thin, skin tight, skin-coloured, leotard. I was relieved. Then I realised I was now actually wearing ice skates as well. As I looked around I realised the stage was now an ice rink, I started to take off skating.
      Then I woke up

    • #317122 Reply

      Hello Sarah,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share back to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      You will brought to the “stage” (aka centre, limelight, could be an opportunity to speak, shine, involved in something/ministry) and might feel vulnerable at first.
      You may not be in agreement or fully “speak the same language” as the leader of something, initially. Fret not as you will “skate” beautifully. You are the one who knows what “stage” and “skating” represents. I believe that this is an encouragement dream.


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