3dreams in one

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      I saw 3 different sets of dreams during the fast.

      1. I see myself in my parents house, it was in broad daylight – sunny, and it’s quite packed with people ( to be precise a lot of girls) not sure if there is an event at home but I see it messy, somewhat packing our stuff as if we’re moving to a new house. I then see my older brother quite frustrated (I suppose this where I gathered it may be that we’re moving out), because he grabs a an army chair that happens to be mine. I then question him why he took my stuff, he then comes in wanting to hit me (whilst people are there and so is my dad but he just remains silent). I then come to realise that one of the girls that was at the house had (her or her family) had informed that there’s new house near their area, but based from my understanding it’s only my partners, my sis and myself to be moving in – I don’t think the intention would to have my 2 brothers in included.

      2n dream, this is day time, I see myself in a hotel room sitting on the floor and crying my heart out with I think a girl is sitting next to me (not sure if I’m crying over a guy – most probably and start reflecting the difficulties I’ve personally went through, I also see my towel on the bed ( this towel is in the same that I use in real life and is also in the same condition m – which is light pinkish colour and dark residue due to my hair dye), so in the dream as I’m crying I decide to throw this towel and I see two ladies walking into the room – looked like as staff, and they’re replacing this towel with a new towel but more of rosy pink colour. I think I was also seeing someone also in the room but don’t recall who it may be.

      3rd dream, also day time, in this part not fully sure if I’m in the same room but I see myself holding a receipt that has typed red small writing in bold in the middle, with questions & answers either yes or no. i don’t recall all the questions but it was relating to achieving things that I’ve wanted in the past & I’ve answered yes to all of them. Though to myself I’m question how could the answers be yes when I’ve had difficult/unpleasant past. Then Beneath that I see 2 items (don’t recall what these were not sure if it’s food) this is also typed up with $$ (looked like a large amount, think it as hundreds) next to each item that need to be paid by myself. But the amount/balance due underneath that is $0.00, – it appeared that my parents have paid for me already. Im still confused and not sure what it meant in the dream, so my sister sees i and tells me that’s it’s good.

      Sorry it’s long one

      Thank you for the interpretation

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