3-part dream

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    • #117051 Reply
      Rose Butler

      Its a very complex dream with lots of details but briefly, it begins in brown-sepia tones and dated around late 1800s in an upper room of a house. I’m a servant girl getting released by a famous Clark Gable-type person. He was wearing a white wool suit. Its bitter-sweet because he was a kind man. I run out into the dark night and the ‘scene’ changes.
      Its misty early morning and I’m at the back door of the same house. Its black and white and grainy like an old photo and dated around 1940s. I’m a nurse handing a baby to a husband and wife. Both were standing and nicely dressed. The scene changes again
      I’m an old white-haired lady sitting in a lawn chair outside the house. Its vivid color with big blue sky, green grass and seems to be dated present day. I’m relaxed and dressed in shorts. The dream ends with a plane flying overhead.

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