Reply To: Broken relationship and abandoned

Home Forums Prayer Requests Broken relationship and abandoned Reply To: Broken relationship and abandoned


Hello S,

First, I want you to know that you cannot “consider ending your marriage for another man” and believe this is the will of God. It is not.

God hates divorce Malachi 2:16. He doesn’t hate divorced people but He hates divorce. Therefore, this is not something you consider doing. You are premeditated in your actions and that is not good.

God is not going to want you to end your marriage to be with someone else. You are being deceived by the devil.

You first need to address your marriage with the Lord and then think about someone else after you are single. Entering this relationship the way that you are now is not glorifying the Lord. And, you will REGRET this in the end. I promise you that.

Seek God on this. Pray. Fast. Ask God to show you how you move forward in mending your marriage. Also, pray that you be delivered from lust and covetousness. I’m sorry if this sounds harsh but it is what I am seeing in the spirit. And, I’m using strong words so that you grasp the severity of what you are planning.

God bless you and we will be praying for you.