Reply To: Prayer for a spouse

Home Forums Prayer Requests Prayer for a spouse Reply To: Prayer for a spouse

Sarah Peri

I ask you to join me in FAITH to ask Lord Jesus to lead me to my Husband.The ONE thing God told me is that my husband has a heart of God. I believe the Word of God wholeheartedly and therefore every promise He has made regarding marriage,I pray it’s fulfilled to me NOW. My children and I have been trusting God for the “Loving Dad” and my “Loving Husband for 10year now if not more.In FAITH I trust you will intercede for me too that before the end of this year 2023 I would have met my Boaz. I praise God in advance and I thank Him, because two is better than one. In Genesis 2:18 He also says it is not good for a man to be alone, I’m ready to be my husbands helper..Please pray that His Word lis fulfilled in my life, in order to do Gods Work to all nations.