Reply To: Scared to tell elderly parents about my relationship

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Shalom Kim. It is good that you are giving him a second chance to be trusted, forgiven and loved. This is what Jesus would have done. Jesus came for the sinners and he was friend with them, we are to be like him. Above all think about Jesus, is he okay with what you are doing and is he in it? If he in it and not your desire, then do not be afraid of your family or their thought on what you are doing. Remember we live for Christ and not for ourselves or others. And there is curse on one who is afraid of men. I know you respect them but do what the Lord wants you to do and Don’t worry about their reaction, instead look to Jesus what he thinks and if you feel peace and he confirmed it his word or any other way. Then let the peace of God be with you and let him silence fear, anxiety and lies around you
Father in the mighty name of Jesus be with Kim in her time of decision making and let her do it according to your will and desire for her, and if there is anything she must know about this man or of herself please reveal to her the great and hidden things she does not know according to Jeremiah 33:3, in Jesus name. Master Jesus We thank you for your support, love and the great work you are doing in her life in harvesting souls, may this act of trust and faith moved her families and see you in it and not her. In Jesus name.Amen