Prophetic Word for April 2022

prophetic word april 2022

Consider this your next prophetic training video.  You all did such an incredible job with the prophetic message on the last video I shared.  I got so much out of reading your comments some things that I didn’t see when I watched it but it was clear after reading what some of you wrote.

When you’re prophetic, messages tend to jump out at you even when you are not looking for one.

This video below is JAM PACKED with messages.  There is one obvious message but there are so many others interwined in what she said.

The video is only 5 minutes and 9 second.  Without reading the comments, grab what God is saying based on the video then write what you are hearing in the comments and please provide scriptures as well.

If no one picks up on what I got from this, I’ll post it next week.

Remember, don’t read the comments until you leave your own comment.  There is no wrong answer just what you hear God saying to you through this.


68 thoughts on “Prophetic Word for April 2022”

  1. I got was a woman was trying to planet things but it was not her season yet.. according to ecc 3:1 time to planet and time to not.. she is getting weary because things is not happening yet.. don’t grow weary gal 6:9 came to mind as well.. if we do things so quickly we will messed up and we have to discern the season we are in.. I also got we are so impatient that the season we are for example we might be in a winter season and we rushing for spring season to come so all the trails can go away. We have to be patient it will come.. God makes all things beautiful in his time

  2. I am hearing God saying it is alright to make a mistake , my grace is sufficient. ANOTHER THINGS GOD IS SAYING WHEN IS YR SEASON IT WILL BE YR SEASON, DON’T RUSH IT 🙏BE PATIENCE, LEARN, READ ,MEDITATE all is well

  3. Good evening MOP.

    I learnt that there’s a time for everything under the Sun. Just be patient so that you can get what the Lord is saying to youat that particular time.

  4. This message spoke volumes on waiting. Now is not the time. It’s so important for us to take advantage of this waiting period. I was just presented with a job offer that is so exciting and really what I want to do. But there is a downside to the job and that’s why I haven’t fully accepted it yet. This video and word was just what I needed to hear. It’s just not the time, but I do know that the right position is going to come. I just need to slow down and be patient.

  5. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. “For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it. “For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees Isaiah 55: 8-12

  6. The gardener was being forced into a place of waiting, relinquishing her tendency to be ‘in control’ and ‘on time’. She was getting input from one close to her to ‘chill’. She slogs around in the messy swamp and talks about having made mistakes before because she went with what ‘experts’ told her, who were going by the books on how to garden, or even her self-imposed urgencies. She confessed to feeling disheartened, when will it be ‘spring’, will it ever be here? She gradually progressed through her feelings of disappointment and pressuring herself, wanting to force the chores she needed to do in the gardening process. I was struck with the barnyard and the surroundings, even though messy and disagreeable – there were still birds carrying on chattering away, oblivous to the wet snow and muckiness everywhere. I had the feeling they were very content, perfectly happy. The gardener had progressed to the place of resigning herself to going with the flow, as I see it..The Holy Spirit. ‘There is a time for everything under heaven.’ (Eccles)

  7. Sit down with God and listen to the season we/you are in. Enquire whether this is the right time to plant, or to wait, or do other tasks. God’s timing is perfect, don’t jump ahead of Him. He will prepare the soil for you to plant in the right season. If you wait and are patient and trusting God, he will bring you an abundant crop (with regard to His Kingdom work).

  8. Trusting in the Lord is the only preparation we truly need. He is the keeper of every second and every season. So relax while he handles the details.

  9. I’m in a season where those are my words, when is it going to end? With all the stretching and pulling I’m going thru I feel like my life is a mess just like garden. I’m ready to plant. I’m ready for spring. I’m ready to leave this winter season it feels like I’ve been in forever. Listening to her opened my eyes that in this season, I need to be patient. The worse thing that could happen is I get a fall crop instead of a spring one! I would rather have that then a mess I would create by not being patient.

  10. Lost my previous comments, they keep disappearing before I can post; forth times the charm😩.
    James 4:15 : For ye ought to say If the Lord will, we shall live and do this or that.
    We should also seek to be prepared and ready but nothing will truly happen outside of God’s timing or kairos moment. We will all go through seasons in our lives, seasons where there seem to be no growth; its not time yet. The temperature/environment is not ideal for the seed to spring forth and bud. It’s in a resting stage; it’s on ice until the perfect timing. So in our times of waiting trust that God will bring that thing to pass as he has promised for though the vision tarry, it shall come to pass.

  11. Update: I found the dream about the mention of onions. It’s in the “No fear, just Prepare” word for last month 🙂

  12. Hello Everyone,
    The first scripture that comes to mind with heaviness and first is Proverbs 16:9 and then a follow up is Eccl 3:11. The mention of onions also struck a chord with me as it reminds me of a dream that I shared in this forum (cannot seem to find it now) and I’m still waiting for the Holy Spirit to give the full interpretation.
    The light snow also spoke to me of what is to come, not to fret and that God’s refreshing (light snow) is available now as well.


  13. I just feel like God is giving us a break, it’s cold und unpleasant outside, and He’s offering us a toasty place next to the oven to spend time with Him. It seems like there’s so much to do right now but God wants us to be still and know that He is God. It’s a time to refresh, to draw closer to God and get strength from Him. “Draw near to Me and I draw near to you.”
    If we keep trying to fix things now, we’re going to be exhausted when we really need to be ready to run. And it will be good for nothing because the ground is not ready yet and we will loose all that we plant and destroy the soil for future planting – it would be a disaster on all fronts. Be patient and wait on Gods perfect timing and in the meantime enjoy Him.

  14. Well there is a lot in this video. Some of the things I’ve gotten is even though it is a season to plant in your lives unexpected storms may come to delay your season. Don’t get discouraged the storm will pass and you will be able to eventually plant. Don’t rush the hands of God, His timing is not my timing. Be patient in the waiting season especially for things you have been praying about. Also being patient waiting for Gods promises eventually you will obtain what he promised. Even though you are in your season of blessings you may need to wait a little longer and be patient. God is never late. Don’t rush ahead of God. Just a few nuggets I received.

    1. The Lord recently told me to stay in my bubble. He said it’s time for the saints to close ranks, but only for a short time.

      Judgment is being carried out in the world and the safest place to be is in my bubble – connected to God and being sensitive to His leadership.

      Mark 6:31 AMP “The apostles [who had been sent out on a mission] gathered together with Jesus and told Him everything that they had done and taught. He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a little while”—for there were many [people who were continually] coming and going, and they could not even find time to eat.”

      Have you had a chance to eat? Not actual food, but the spiritual fruit that God has been supplying in abundance in your life? The sower needs to discern when it is planting season and when it is gathering season. God is calling us back inside the shed to feast on the fruit of our labor.

      There’s a blizzard outside and now isn’t the best time to worry about things outside of our control. We are called to a secluded place, to stay in our bubbles, where we will be taken care of, and divinely protected until the storm passes.

      The reality is that darkness is getting darker, but the LIGHT IS GETTING BRIGHTER!! It is very awkward for saints because they are experiencing a very different reality than others. Don’t feel guilty and run outside in the storm. Stay indoors where there is hope and provision. We will open up the ranks soon. Amen

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