Waiting on the Lord

Waiting on the Lord. Do you know what it means to wait on the Lord? It means to wait on the Lord.

Wait – Qavah (Hebrew) gather together, look, patiently, tarry, wait for, on, upon

(Psalm 27:14 AMP) “Wait for and confidently expect the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for and confidently expect the LORD.”

(Psalm 25:3 ASV) “Yea, none that wait for Thee shall be put to shame”

This is a discipline. In today’s world when everyone is moving at such a fast pace, in this over stimulated society, with so many things vying for your attention, along with a myriad of distractions, we need to stop, take the time to get into His presence. We are inviting you to do that with us.

Come and join us as we wait on the Lord and sit in His Presence.  I know some of you may never have experienced this before, so we are inviting you to join us and experience Him.

Sunday, December 15, 2024 at 2:00PM EDT – 3:30PM EST 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 845 0337 2017
Passcode: 177555

Look at the timing of the recording, it has 1 at the ends and 3 fives in the middle.  It’s God’s grace for your transition.  Thank you Lord!


Away in a Manager – Tommee Profitt

O Holy Night – Paul and Hannah McClure

Amazing Grace – Pretty Yende

Feliz Navidad – Jose Feliciano

Little Drummer Boy – For King & Country

Journey of the Angels – Enya

The Twelve Days of Christmas – The King’s Singers

Angels from the Realms of Glory – The Piano Guys

Christmas Secrets – Enya

Silent Night – Tommee Profitt and Fluerie

O Come, O Come Emmanuel – Enya

Ave Maria – King’s Return

Breath of Heaven – Amy Grant

Jesus, O What A Wonderful Child – Times Square Worship

Jingle Bells – The Tabernacle Choir

Mary Did You Know? – Anthony Evans

Noel – Chris Tomlin ft. Lauren Daigle

Pie Jesu – Sarah Brightman

Hark the Herald Angels Sing – Tommee Profitt ft DOE

O Come, O Come Emmanuel (Instrumental) – The Piano Guys

The Prayer – Donnie McClurkin & Yolanda Adams


-Come expecting to have an encounter with the Lord.

-Come with your communion elements and we’ll take communion together

-Have your anointing oil ready in case we need to use it.

-Ensure that you are in a quiet place where you can sit or lay quietly in His presence.

-There is no agenda. We are just going to move as the Lord leads.  Whatever the Lord wants to do is what we will be doing.

-The session will be recorded so if you miss it, you can watch the replay.

-We start at 2:00PM Eastern Time, check a time zone calculator to see what time this will be in your city.  Try to be on time because once we get started, and the Holy Spirit starts moving, we are going to be focused on Him and you may be waiting for awhile before someone notices to let’s you in the room.

See you then.



40 thoughts on “Waiting on the Lord”

  1. The bell on your vision, I can relate to. A month or so ago, as I register to attend the 100 year celebration at Angelus Temple on January 1st, 2023 I read that they are going to ring the bells as Aimee used to do to usher in the presence of God. Then, about 2 weeks ago the Holy Spirit led me to an abandoned Catholic church here in Puerto Rico, so I began to speak to a pastor Nd 2 other ladies that where there what I was seeing in the Spirit. That people were going to enter in to lay down their lives for Christ and the connecting building was for a dream center and all of the sudden I said and the bells will ring again to usher in people into the presence of the Lord!. I am traveling from Puerto Rico to Los Angeles as this is a confirmation that I need to be there.

  2. The love of Jesus is there around us. He is for us,over our lives and over our homes. His mercy is new every morning and He will impart supernatural joy.
    These are some of the beautiful messages from Waiting on the Lord awhile ago.
    Thank you for all those who also shared their visions during the zoom mtg.
    Blessings to all who joined.

  3. Oh I forgot to also mentioned that after a while into it, I smelled SMOKE! Nothing was burning in my house though haha. No fires or anything. I wondered what that meant. I have smelled smoke before during worship…

    1. This is beautiful June. The only thing I can think of is in the Old Testament, remember the priest used to offer sacrifice that was put on the altar and burnt. Perhaps God is saying that He is accepting your offering. Your sacrifice before Him. Since you sense this during worship that what I believe it is. Your visions are amazing. We will have another one of this in 2 weeks or so. Watch the emails for the new date. Blessings

    2. June – I have the same experience for the past many many years. I smelled smoky smell when nothing is burning and no one else can smell it. It had been annoying not knowing what it means and if it’s from the Lord. I just want to share my journal entry from 5/5/2002 of what I felt the Lord was showing me about this. I just realized that my journal was recorded on 5/5 and 5 means grace. Praise the Lord.

      5/5/2022 This morning, after reading MoP’s blog, I noticed that I have fear that I have to address. I read her article about it and did additional reflections. I bowed my head and started to pray. I smelled smoky smell… It’s 5:29am, with a sudden realization… I just realize that the smokey smell is God telling me that He is refining/purifying me with fire (a smoky smell happens when you are burning nasty stuff..) He is essentially burning off nasty, dirty stuff off me and refining me.
      Zechariah 13:9 This third I will put into the fire;
      I will refine them like silver
      and test them like gold.
      They will call on my name
      and I will answer them;
      I will say, ‘They are my people,’
      and they will say, ‘The Lord is our God.’”

  4. This was such a blessing for me today!
    At first I saw glimpses of angels of light flying around. Then I saw a huge lion with a mane running and I was running with him full of joy and love. Then I saw a vine with green leaves. God told me He loved me and for me to embrace him. I said Lord how do I embrace you? Somehow I stood up in worship, lifted my hands, and then God poured something onto my head and it was just streaming down for a good while-overflowing! Now I understand what you meant about the honey!!! Wow! I later saw a typewriter going and the words showing up on the paper. Then I saw rainbows. I also saw like a wall like a mosaic textile kind of thing that suddenly disappeared!

    I’m so glad the Holy Spirit prompted me to write down my images. I didn’t know to do this at first, but I didn’t want to lose it. Now I see why.

    Thank you so much for doing this. I took off today for some much needed rest and to spend time with the Lord, and He led me to come to this Waiting on the Lord post.

    Thanks for listening. I just wanted to share how blessed I was from this, even after the replay. Please do it again!!!!

  5. Wow! This was powerful I felt something broke off me in the midst and even after the worship. Please do this again. Prayerfully i can be on when your live and not miss it like i missed this one but God still moved. Hallelujahs!!!

  6. I could not be present but today started listening it took more than 2 hours to download but its a bad wifi signal on our end. The thing is though when I stated the download even though I heard nothing I had such an intense encounter that I could only sing the hymn over and over “He touched , Yeshua touched me and Oh the joy that flood my soul” two hours later eventually I heard that you said your saw Yeshua coming into out homes. Praise God Almighty Halleluyah. God Most High bless you always.

  7. I was not at the zoom meeting but just finished listening to the replay. Your vision moved me. “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119:103‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    I immediately thought of this verse, then I saw the honey become His Words coating my entire body. Since Jesus is the Word, this seems like a complete protection and His love completing surrounding me. I know I have been trapped by the lies of the enemy, so the key to the doors opening in freedom is being immersed in the Word of the Lord, in Jesus. Fighting the lies with the truth of His Word. The sword of the Spirt, which is the Word of God. I have had to give up so much food, but I have kept these verses in mind as well as “Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes out of the mouth of God.” I’m being purified in the fire. Your vision really has encouraged me. Even though I wasn’t on the zoom call, I’m claiming this one! I love the picture of His Word completely covering my body, His Word indeed is sweeter than honey. What a beautiful picture. Thank you 💙 This is so powerful!

  8. GOD bless you for allowing me to take part of the zoom live this morning at 2am in our time.
    This is my first experience. Im so blessed joining the communion service with you and the rest of the brothers and sisters in Christ.
    While the songs are playing, i’ve been journalling some lyrics on the song that touches my heart. After we break bread, i got the olive oil and anoint myself. Then while the song I speak Jesus was playing, tears already running down my eyes. The moment you spoke to us on the zoom, you said ‘ prison doors violently opened’…i claimed it for my family who are in bondage.
    I still continued in the presence of the LORD even after the zoom.
    I was led to pray for 12 persons who are in the zoom, i wrote their names and where they are located.I decided to include them in my prayer list as well. And sure enough to confirm this at the end of the song The Love of Jesus,flashed a verse in Romans 13:8 to love one another. I will listen again to all the songs!

    May GOD continue to empower you Nicole.You are a blessing to the body of Christ. We love you with the love of the LORD.

  9. Thank you so much for the time today. This morning I had Galatians 5:6 (faith expressing itself through love) on my mind and in my heart and when the Love of God song came on it brought it back to me and affirmed/confirmed the message meant for me to hear. ‘Only faith activated and expressed and working through love….’

  10. I was not able to attend the live event and I cant wait to listen to the replay. It is not the same as being live but I know God will be moving!!!

  11. Thank you MOP for sharing your vision, worship songs and time spent in his presence. I love the song The Love of God.
    I will listen to it more, as I agree with it greatly. I experienced nothing at this moment, I take it as training and I will continue to wait in his presence. I look forward to more time in his presence. God bless you.

    1. Hi Judith, It’s OK sometimes it takes practice and the more you do this, the more you will tap into the Holy Spirit much quicker. Also, be sure that you don’t have any distractions going on when you sit like this. Blessings

    2. Greetings Nicole,
      Would like to share my testimony as it confrims so much on what you shared with us , i pray that those who will read this be blessed and encouraged in Jesus name .🙏bless Your name Jesus ,let Your name be exalted above all the earth and Your glory forever praise You Jehovah🔥

      Like you ,when we started ,.first song i was seeing heaven opening , small like a window then the next thing i saw was in heaven Jesus sitting on the throne and many brethren wearing white robes different faces but the faces were shining as all behold the glory of The King
      (Its like we all become looking like Jesus as we behold His face His glory in heaven).(like the verse in the scripture ,ur caption verse in glory school😊 And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.
      2 Corinthians 3:18 ESV)

      Then i saw me 4 of us , that i know my family stepped in front and knelt down at His feet , as if offering my family to the Lord

      Then different scenerio
      Also saw me going to Jesus and Jesus kissess me on forehead
      And then next my family.members
      Then the family.members im praying for
      And then other people
      all of us individually were greeted by Jesus one by one with a kiss as if in a wedding like a bride or lile welcoming us ( His hands strectched out as if like saying come and then when each one comes , beside Him, He using His 2 hands holding the head kisses each one on cheeks and forehead
      So much love

      Then different scenario ( i rmember the song was come Jesus)

      Saw 4 angels standing side by side each other but each one appeared one by one as they stand beside each other

      Then Jesus standing infront of them and this time saw Jesus as The commander in chief , like the angels were waiting for His command (im reminded of like in revelation) white robe with sach

      Then while we.were.praying before taking communion as.i was also praying, i know that Jesus came beside me and comforting me like His arms around me as i wept because i remember my sins in the past and ask for forgiveness again.( comforting me saying its alright )

      And when you were praying when we were taking communion .your prayers were what i was praying before you prayed amd shared the gospel.because i was already praying

      My prayer was wash my eyes, to see what what You want me to see , wash my ears to hear what You want me to hear , wash my tongue.,to speak what You want me to speak..wash these hands to heal , wash my feet , to go where You.want me to go to

      Im just joyful to be able to.pray and singn and.worship.with.you all.
      since the say MOP was shared to me , i have been blessed as iwhat you share with us speaks so much to what exactly i was going thru at that moment ( God The Holy Spirit confirming , i remember all of them amd will share.them 😊)
      May Our Lord continue to use you in the.ministry He entrusted you with.and bless you.amd.all of.those who are in your team.
      God bless you ❤
      All glory and praise to God haleluYAH

    3. Hello Judith,
      I just want to share that I can totally relate to you. I remember I had always been drawn to the move/display of the Holy Spirit even though I go to a conservative church. I would be at conferences/meetings with people speaking in tongues/ falling down after being prayed for; people talked so much about seeing heaven, angels and visions; why do I not have anything and experience nothing? I thought to myself, man, either they are faking it or I am the outlier because nothing happened to me and I spoke no tongues (I prayed and someone else also prayed for me many times).
      This year, the Lord has been doing wonderful work in me. As I start to repent of my sins, I start able to focus on the Lord. As I focus on the Lord and read His word, I discovered more sins to repent of. The cycle of repentance continues to go on. God started to show me stuff. However, there would be days that are so dry and nothing seem to happen while the day before were filled with touching experiences/revelations.
      In the midst of these, I believe that the Lord wants to take me higher (from glory to glory like MoP says). It seems that He is asking me how much do I want Him? We tend to treasure something more when it cost more. An item (candy ring) that cost 0.5 cent verse an item (diamond) that cost 1 million dollars. I would not treasure it and seek it if I get it too easily, but at the same time we also tend to give up easily after searching for it for a while and found nothing. God allows dry time (time of nothingness) to test us to see how much we really want Him? Do we want the experience (power of God) or Him (presence of God)? I had to confess that I was attracted to the power of God more than the presence of God. This is what He promises…

      Hebrews 11:6 “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” By the way, I do now speak in tongues and that came about after many months of speaking babbles that sounded like (d…d…d…d…) in faith trusting that God would grant me what I prayed for.

      Blessings to you Judith… I trust that one day, we will see your testimony posted here as you continue to seek the Lord and not stop trying.

  12. will the recording be up immediately following or a delay of a day or so? I will be in church at the time – PST

    1. We can’t give you a time on that because it depends on how long we go and also the files have to be converted before they are uploaded. You’ll just need to check about 1 hour after we are scheduled to be finished to see if has been uploaded.

    1. Greetings and blessed be The Name of The Lord , praise God indeed , thank you MOP for this fellowship , since the pandemic havent been able to have communion with othe fellow sibs in Christ , i am always excited about partaking His flesh and His blood , i believe it is only God that place that desire in my heart that everytime there is a get together will always volunteer to bring wine and bread for communion then will sing and praise and worship with the brethren 😊
      Thank you also Nicole for sharing the vision God gave you as it confirms so much as what i also saw last night (it was 2am here in philippines )

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