3 thoughts on “Prayer for Depression and Tips on How to Cope”

  1. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
    Greetings to you in Jesus’ name!
    I would like to share with you that my daughter Noorie is suffering by depression from last 2 years. Therefore, she couldn’t study well last year.
    In the mean time she has developed friendship with my previous Care Taker of our Worship centre who is a morally corrupted and a cheater. She has developed friendship with him over telephone & Facebook and maintaining friendship with him only telephone. There is no scope for Noorie to visit this guy.
    However, please continue uphold Noorie in your prayers. Pray that God might touch and change her heart and she will come back to Him with real repentance and ask forgiveness from Him. She already has stopped to read The Bible, prayer and worship Jesus. Even she has decided not to write for Medical entrance exams which she is having it on 6th May 2018. She was preparing to write medical entrance exams from one year but now she is telling us that she won’t write for exams.
    We are very sad for her life and her spirit of disobedience to God. She is having spirit of suicide and try few times to kill herself but our Almighty God has protected her miraculously.
    Humbly I request you kindly pray that God might change her heart & mind and she will come back to Him with repentance and humble heart. Pray that God might protect her from suicide.

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