This prophetic Word is titled the blood of Jesus. I think this something we don’t talk about enough. This is actually based on a vision the Lord gave me.
In 2020, most of the encounters where I saw His blood it had to do with Judgement but since the start of this year when I’ve seen His blood it is to do with protection. Here’s the prophetic word for the year, if you haven’t read it already. In the word for the year, I spoke about the tale of two cities and the two lines being formed in the spirit. This prophetic word is for the people standing in the line of blessing.
We are in a season of warfare and many of you are already experiencing this. I know you don’t want to hear this but I need to tell you the truth…
Get used to it.
This is going to go on for quite some time. You don’t have to like it but I think if you settle your mind on the fact that it won’t stop, you’ll learn to always think and conduct yourself like a warrior. There will be the occasional weeks, or a month or two, when you are allowed to catch your breath and then it will start again.
Why is this?
You are actually in the land. Your promised land.
While it may not look like it and you may not have all that you thought you would have at this time, you are there.
You need to read the entire book of Joshua and understand you are living this out right now. All of our battles will look different individually. The way in which the warfare will manifest itself will look very different from what you’ve had in the past. If you read the Hind’s Feet post, I shared some of the signs of this new warfare and showed how powerful your testimony is in helping you to stay encouraged and remain in faith
Revelation 12:11 “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…”
This post is about the Blood of the Lamb which is the Blood of Jesus. When you use these two powerful weapons (the blood of Jesus + your testimony) you cannot be defeated. You overcome.
In Egypt, there was no warfare to speak of it was oppression and slavery. Then you moved into a wilderness season when you are just waiting and waiting and waiting. Transitioning and transitioning and transitioning and then suddenly you hit WARFARE. Yes, you had a few battles here and there but I’m sure many of you haven’t gone through some of the things you are struggling with now. Not with this level of intensity and the length of time you are having to be in it.
You are going to wear yourself out if you don’t make some changes.
After the Israelites left Egypt they wandered the wilderness and then they crossed over into the promised land. What happened after they crossed over? Warfare.
They literally went from one battle to the next. Conquering and taking one city, town after another. Even though that land was theirs, given to them by God, they still had to fight for it. (Deuteronomy 7, Exodus 23:20-32)
You’re also not going to be given everything all at once. It is a little by little process. One city at a time.
Do you realize that the Israelites never had to fight like that before? Do you realize most of them were children from the wilderness? They had no clue what it meant to fight. No experience. No framework for it. Therefore, don’t worry if you don’t know exactly what to do to win the war you are currently in because God will show you. You are winning this thing based on your relationship with Him. When you don’t know what to do, you enter the secret place in prayer, ask and wait for an answer. What you don’t want to do is assume your old strategy is going to work, because it won’t.
At some point the Israelites needed to change their MINDSET. They had to come to the realization that while God gave them the land, which means it was a FIXED fight and they couldn’t lose….they still had to FIGHT.
You need to mentally prepare yourself to fight. The whole thing is fixed, so you’ll WIN but you are not going to bypass the warfare.
I know some of you crossed over and decided you just wanted to get your fruity drink, sit under a coconut tree by the seaside and have someone bring you some of those giant grapes the spies brought back when they spied out the land. Because you’re tired after wandering the wilderness for 40 years. Yes, I know you are tired but that’s not how this is going to go.
You need to get your mind right. So for those of you who don’t want to hear this now you may need to take some time to get your mind ready. You will have to fight to get what is yours. The enemy is not just going to hand it over.
You’ll battle take one territory, then you’ll take a little break, then you go get the next territory, take a break, then go again. This is what it is going to look like. You’ll WIN but you’re not going to win sitting under a coconut tree. (Deep Sigh)
This was just the intro, LOL.
All I am seeing is warfare of late so for the next several prophetic words that’s what I’ll be addressing.
Now to the vision…
I’m not going to give you all the details of each one but several times I’ve seen the blood of Jesus just roll over certain areas like a covering. His blood was covering certain regions. I’ve prayed blanketed prayers for the body in Christ in general but this last vision appeared to be a little more specific and that’s when I asked the Lord if I should share it and He said Yes.
Imagine you see a drop of blood coming down out of heaven….I saw one drop of blood and it was so big that when it hit the target it covered an entire community. Then looked over into another area and I saw another drop of blood and when that one hit it covered a single house in a community. Then I saw another drop of blood and when that one hit it covered an entire family. Then I saw another drop of blood and when that one hit it covered only one person that was standing in a group of people. That means only that one person is protected. It was very specific and very targeted drops. It wasn’t general.
There are specific communities, households, families and individuals that God is going to protect. From what? I don’t know but I’m sure you are going to figure that out shortly.
I asked if I should share this because it was so specific and I don’t know each of you individually, what you are facing, what’s going on in your community, household, or your family. So, you need to take responsibility and cover yourself under the blood of Jesus.
This is for protection. The enemy is on the prowl. There’s nothing for you to be afraid of. So being fearful after reading this is silly and pointless. Cover yourself and that is it.
The BLOOD is going to do the work here and not you!
There’s nothing for you to figure out or wonder about or try to find out how you are going to fight that, no. Do not concern yourself with that.
This is warfare from a place of REST.
The Blood of Jesus is going to handle it. You just need to pray it over you, your family, your household, your community, your friends, your business associates, your finances, your job, your ministry, your car, whatever else comes to mind and THE BLOOD will do what it is supposed to do.
You are already praying over yourself and your family so you just need to make sure to add this as a part of your prayer. That’s all. There is nothing more to it. And, this is a simple prayer…
I cover myself under the blood of Jesus, I cover my health, my mind, my finances, my resources, my spouse, my children, I cover my car, my job, my businesses (name them out), my family members and friends, I cover …
Do it everyday.
Once you cover yourself and the enemy realizes he can’t get you, he is going to go after the things around you.
Like? If you are trying to buy a house or sell a house you need to cover the realtor in the blood of Jesus, the bank, the mortgage company, the buyer and their family and their finances. I’m not joking. Some of you may see your deals just start falling apart right at the last minute. Cover it and everything associated with it.
If you have a business deal you are working one cover every single person that is involved and their families under the blood of Jesus. Otherwise you will start seeing things that you thought was a done deal fall apart. Cover them. I’m telling you to cover their families too because if you cover that one person and they could be fine and then the next thing you know they are telling you they want to “postpone” the deal because their mother suddenly fell ill.
The devil and his minions CANNOT cross the BLOOD OF JESUS. They have to literally sit back and watch you take the land city by city! Hallelujah!
Exodus 12:13 “But the blood on your doorposts will serve as a sign, marking the houses where you are staying. When I see the blood, I will pass over you. This plague of death will not touch you when I strike the land of Egypt.“
You don’t have “it” until it is actually in your hand. “I got a new job!!!” When did you start? “I don’t start for another week” Then you don’t have a job. You have a job when you show up and you are sitting at your desk, that’s when you have a job.
“I just sold my house” Really? When did you close? “I haven’t yet but I have a signed contract” Then you haven’t sold your house. After you sit at the closing table signed and turned over the keys to the new homeowners that is when you sold your house.
Some of you are talking TOO SOON. And the enemy jumps right in there and snatches it before it can reach your hands. Promises with no manifestation. Don’t say anything until you have it in your hands. Stop giving people the play by play details on your life. Only tell the people that actually need to know.
Until you are holding it in your hands, you need to continue covering it. Do not ease up!
The enemy is persistent so you need to be persistent x 3
(Matthew 26:28) “… for this is my blood, which confirms the covenant between God and his people. It is poured out as a sacrifice to forgive the sins of many.”
(Hebrews 13:12) “So also Jesus suffered and died outside the city gates to make his people holy by means of his own blood.“
(Romans 5:9) “Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! “
(Hebrews 10:19-22) “And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. 20 By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place. 21 And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God’s house, 22 let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water. “
(Revelation 12:11) “And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony….”
The first time I read this, closer to when you posted it, I immediately thought…..can those small drops of blood become bigger by people willing to pray the blood of Jesus over more and more people. I was going to post then, but thought that probably isn’t so and felt silly to post it. I’m still in the learning process of my giftings. However, it has continued to come to mind, so again, I just wonder if those smaller drops of blood covering one person can become larger with that one person praying for many. I’m seeing it spread out in my mind’s eye, then I’m seeing the blood turn to a cleansing water splashing like waves. Is that a possibility? Thank you so much for following God and walking in your giftings. This site has been and continues to be an encouragement to me.
Absolutely! I love this >>>>>I’m seeing it spread out in my mind’s eye, then I’m seeing the blood turn to a cleansing water splashing like waves.<<<<< That is GOLDEN! The water is the word of God and the Spirit of God. Blessings
How beautiful! Thank you. It gives me so much freedom to allow the Holy Spirit to lead me and give in to what He is showing me. I imagine I’ve been fighting it for so long and believing the lies of the enemy. I’m so thankful God hasn’t given up on me. There is so much beauty in His presence.
This is such a good word!! I appreciate God for this reminder about the importance of His blood and covering ourselves in it!!
I especially like the part about “talking too soon.” My pastor consistently reminds us to “wait until the ink is dry” and “move in silence” until we see manifestation!!!
We win everytime but let’s use wisdom while we await the victory, which belongs to Jesus!! Amen!
You don’t know how much this word has uplifted me. Surely, this was definitely a timely word for me. I had been mentally struggling of late(the past two weeks) because things are not working out and I have been dreams that shows I am in warfare. And I knew there was some evil attacks sent to me, I was praying and all but I felt something was missing.
I was busy of late and I didn’t get to read this prophetic message, but today when I read and prayed, I can say it’s been about 6 hours now and I am feeling goooood! I was feeling like I am almost going to be depressed, I felt I didn’t know how to pray anymore. In short I was feeling so down and low. But after reading this prophetic word and prayed, I am so energetic in God. All the anxiety, fear, worry, depression, feelings of giving up are gone! Completely! It’s as if this word opened my eyes and made me realize I am stronger in Christ than I think. Thank you Jesus! Thank you Nicole and Team. May God bless you!
So very happy to hear this! That is why we are here, to help the body of Christ fight and win! Praise God!
Thank you so much for this prophetic message. 3 days before i receive this message i heard this word in my Spirit “THE BLOOD OF JESUS” . I asked the Lord what do you mean by that Lord! What are you trying to tell me. I know that your blood is a protection. Then i understand now even more how this message correlates with what I’ve heard -the audible voice. Blessed to have this message from God!
I can’t even believe this. When I was praying in tongs this week. I saw a single drop of blood fall in the spirit. I didn’t know what to make of this at all, it was a quick vision. Thanks so much for this word of confirmation. Wow! I will certainly obey it!❤️🩸
Hello MOP, I have only recently connected with your website and have found it to be most valuable and interesting. Your explanations are concise and the teaching of God’s Word is solid – thank you for being faithful in your calling; I pray God’s richest blessings on you and your ministry. I look forward to your weekly mails and mostly how you explain in detail the deep revelations of God’s Word. The prophetic is most intriguing.. I resonate with your latest Word given and yes we all tend to think that life gets easier but this is not the “way”. Now that I have deeper understanding I can go forth knowing what I am supposed to do, this gives me the confidence and faith to believe for breakthrough and answers to what’s ahead. BTW – the Hind’s Feet video was very impressive, gives new meaning on “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and leads/lights the way”.
I’ve been battling with my mind lately, I mean constantly fighting for my mind. it’s been three days now.
Thinking of the things my husband and his family had done to me. But the holy spirit reminded me this morning of power of the blood of Jesus Christ and I thank God for that it was even before I read this. The funny part is I’ve forgiven them but I don’t know why these thoughts. Please keep me in your prayers
Dear sister, I wanted to reply to your post with something I heard preached by Zac Poonan ( a wonderful Indian man who loves the Lord). I was listening to his preach yesterday on The Way We Must Live. He was talking of the importance of repentance and forgiveness, and one thing he said that struck me was when we forgive someone or repent of something it does not mean that those memories are eradicated. The sin yes is washed away and we are healed of hurts but the memories remain.
He suggested that is so that we know what we have been saved from, so we know where we have come from or what has happened to us. So we can say Thank You Heavenly Father for the power of the cross. These things you keep thinking of are just memories they are not who you are any more neither do they define who you are. It is Christ who brings you Joy. It is Christ to whom you belong, He laid down his life to bring you back to him for that is where your Joy will be found – in Him. So when these memories come at you thank Your Heavenly Father that He has enabled you to forgive and that now your Joy/Happiness, Your fullness of Life is in Him. It is not dependent on any one else, on any circumstance or situation.
blessings to you and your family.
(“You are actually in the land, the promise land”) O,! may the glory be to him forever this has confirmed to me what he showed me in luke 1:37 ” for with God nothing is impossible” another version reads, “for no declaration will be impossible for God”
1. that whatever he said to me will come to pass one by one.
2. I need to equip myself with his word for declarations
3. The other round of warfare is there.
Thanks for the preparation.
Wow!!! When I began reading I thought I would be scared but am actually encouraged. God is so good. This is already happening to me, one week all is okay the next week things are just chaotic and I cant breathe. Just last night I got a message one of my key employees wants to leave, my products are not being bought anymore, everyone is sick in my house. Few minutes before I checked this post I was on my knees crying to God and just wondering when will I get a break.
Thank you Lord Jesus for your blood that is my covering. Thank you Nicole for this word that has really uplifted me. I cover you and your entire team with the blood of Jesus.
God bless you
Excellent ,insightful, and timely word! It resonates in my spirit. I started feeling the need to cover myself with the blood of Jesus beginning last fall, especially when spiritual warfare came out of no where! This was not a practice that I had normally adopted. Thank you for your wisdom and prayers for all of us!
Blessings MOP,
I thank the Lord for your ministry. You cover spiritual topics, that I don’t hear being preached in the pulpit, Not raw, like you do. I am thankful I found you to get trained (repetition to learn, practice) on how to continue to fight the daily spiritual battles.
Please help me understand the difference between the covering by the the blood of Jesus Christ (this article) and putting on the Armor of God (previous article) . Or is there a difference?
I do put on the Armor of God everyday and I declare there is power in the blood of Jesus when confronted with a situation that takes me by surprise or when praying the binding and loosening of things. I haven’t prayed covering as often, but that will change now. Would love to hear your input. Thank you!
Very very good question. I’ve never been asked this before. First, the reason I brought up the blood was Jesus showed me we needed to do it now so this is a now word. Tells me that things are flying around in the spiritual realm that we need protection. Reflecting on your question the first thing I would say is the Armor is personal protection and you have to be saved to wear that. It is 100% defensive and offensive battle gear and you are the one fighting the battle in it – the sword is the spoken word of God so you have to actually quote scripture. The blood is a covering of protection but from what He showed me in this vision we can cover others, cities, buildings and regions under it. Also, there’s no work for you to do when you are covered in it… the blood is doing the work and the enemy passes you by because of it. This makes it the perfect thing to pray for the battle-weary warrior who just needs to take a break. The judgment of God passes over as well because they (angels) are seeing Christ’s work on the cross (the blood) and not your own. Think of the Israelites putting the blood on their doorpost when the angel of death passed over in Egypt. IF they all lived in the same area that would be a whole community that was untouched. The enemy can see both (the armor and the blood) in the spirit. The Armor can’t protect you from God’s judgment. I’m sure there are many other differences and similarities. This would be an interesting thing to study. I like it!
I love this, thank you 🙂
Sure that’s great Nicole “the JUDGEMENT of God passes over you” this is a very important POINT to take in at this time. Noting we are living in the end times.
This was a confirmation of what I have been seeing as well. We have to stand firm in our faith and stay focused on God, not letting a day go by of the giving of our testimony and covering prayers. Even if we have to speak it out loud, we must do it. There are things happening and coming and God is giving us his children direction on what to do and our prayer and wait time for those instructions is very important. You said one of the very keys that we must do is:
“Stop giving people the play by play details on your life. Only tell the people that actually need to know.”
Stay strong in the Word. Pray without ceasing.
Blessings Upon Blessings Upon Blessings to you.
Hallelujah!Praise God. This is long but please read great testimonies.
As my last email to you I felt helpless, fear , anxiety. I thought I was going to die I wanted to cry, my body felt like it just couldn’t go on…thought I was losing my mind. I asked for prayer from you and I found a number called and had someone pray for me I also prayed. That was how desperate I was. The next day I was free from all this dreadful “feelings”. Glory to God!! Next testimony. My meeting with my senior and board member. I was taken out of the office so I thought ok this is really serious. It was about my work which is a three people job. I sat and asked Holy Spirit to take charge and give me wisdom. BUT my mind was exhausted and I literally couldn’t make a proper sentence. The next moment the focus turned to my superior on things they had to get done. The meeting ended I was not questioned about anything. All glory and honour to God. Thank you Nicole and team for encouragement and prayers. I hope this encourages someone out there. Just don’t give up. And know it is not you or the people around you. It is the unseen forces. Repentance is also key. God is with you no matter what. Nicole and team I pray the blood of Jesus covers you always. Thank you for this message. God’s abundant blessings to you all.
Amen! I knew the enemy was just trying to get you worked up so you say the wrong thing and lose your job. Cover it under the blood of Jesus. Blessings
OMG, missionary of prayer are seriously on point or should I say has hit the bulls eye. First at the beginning of this pandemic, the Lord told me not to fear. He told me to place the blood over my door post and to plead the he blood 🩸 over family, business, situation, well pretty much everything and to pray psalm 91 consistently. When I read this word from you today immediately I had connected in the spirit with God word.
What God was saying as I heard it, if you have heard the instructions that heed and fight the good fight of faith with one weapon…… The Blood! It’s a fight that has already been won on the cross.
I want to say I give praises and glory to God for he is an all knowing, all powerful can’t be defeated God all mighty.
Thank you for your faithfulness to God and to prayer.
I continue to pray early and begin to spend time in worship and meditating on the word of God. Yes you are on point!
I have taken notes, especially where God said the fight is won, do nothing but allow the huge drops of blood 🩸 to fall on contact where I have prayed before God.
I’m truly grateful for this ministry. I have been blessed by it since the day the Holy Spirit led me to it. This message has helped me understand a reoccuring dream that I’ve been having. I had No clue what my role was in this dream. When I read these words “Until you are holding it in your hands, you need to continue covering it. Do not ease up!” , I got the answer. I have been struggling to continue to pray for a promise of God. The dream shows me accepting defeat. I’m seeing the promise being taken from me; and I’m accepting it because I don’t want to fight ( continue to pray) for it any longer. I know now that I have to keep covering the promise and don’t ease up. It’s not mine until I have it in my hands!! Thanks for sharing even when it may not be a feel good word! Blessings to you and this ministry!