This prophetic Word is titled the blood of Jesus. I think this something we don’t talk about enough. This is actually based on a vision the Lord gave me.
In 2020, most of the encounters where I saw His blood it had to do with Judgement but since the start of this year when I’ve seen His blood it is to do with protection. Here’s the prophetic word for the year, if you haven’t read it already. In the word for the year, I spoke about the tale of two cities and the two lines being formed in the spirit. This prophetic word is for the people standing in the line of blessing.
We are in a season of warfare and many of you are already experiencing this. I know you don’t want to hear this but I need to tell you the truth…
Get used to it.
This is going to go on for quite some time. You don’t have to like it but I think if you settle your mind on the fact that it won’t stop, you’ll learn to always think and conduct yourself like a warrior. There will be the occasional weeks, or a month or two, when you are allowed to catch your breath and then it will start again.
Why is this?
You are actually in the land. Your promised land.
While it may not look like it and you may not have all that you thought you would have at this time, you are there.
You need to read the entire book of Joshua and understand you are living this out right now. All of our battles will look different individually. The way in which the warfare will manifest itself will look very different from what you’ve had in the past. If you read the Hind’s Feet post, I shared some of the signs of this new warfare and showed how powerful your testimony is in helping you to stay encouraged and remain in faith
Revelation 12:11 “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…”
This post is about the Blood of the Lamb which is the Blood of Jesus. When you use these two powerful weapons (the blood of Jesus + your testimony) you cannot be defeated. You overcome.
In Egypt, there was no warfare to speak of it was oppression and slavery. Then you moved into a wilderness season when you are just waiting and waiting and waiting. Transitioning and transitioning and transitioning and then suddenly you hit WARFARE. Yes, you had a few battles here and there but I’m sure many of you haven’t gone through some of the things you are struggling with now. Not with this level of intensity and the length of time you are having to be in it.
You are going to wear yourself out if you don’t make some changes.
After the Israelites left Egypt they wandered the wilderness and then they crossed over into the promised land. What happened after they crossed over? Warfare.
They literally went from one battle to the next. Conquering and taking one city, town after another. Even though that land was theirs, given to them by God, they still had to fight for it. (Deuteronomy 7, Exodus 23:20-32)
You’re also not going to be given everything all at once. It is a little by little process. One city at a time.
Do you realize that the Israelites never had to fight like that before? Do you realize most of them were children from the wilderness? They had no clue what it meant to fight. No experience. No framework for it. Therefore, don’t worry if you don’t know exactly what to do to win the war you are currently in because God will show you. You are winning this thing based on your relationship with Him. When you don’t know what to do, you enter the secret place in prayer, ask and wait for an answer. What you don’t want to do is assume your old strategy is going to work, because it won’t.
At some point the Israelites needed to change their MINDSET. They had to come to the realization that while God gave them the land, which means it was a FIXED fight and they couldn’t lose….they still had to FIGHT.
You need to mentally prepare yourself to fight. The whole thing is fixed, so you’ll WIN but you are not going to bypass the warfare.
I know some of you crossed over and decided you just wanted to get your fruity drink, sit under a coconut tree by the seaside and have someone bring you some of those giant grapes the spies brought back when they spied out the land. Because you’re tired after wandering the wilderness for 40 years. Yes, I know you are tired but that’s not how this is going to go.
You need to get your mind right. So for those of you who don’t want to hear this now you may need to take some time to get your mind ready. You will have to fight to get what is yours. The enemy is not just going to hand it over.
You’ll battle take one territory, then you’ll take a little break, then you go get the next territory, take a break, then go again. This is what it is going to look like. You’ll WIN but you’re not going to win sitting under a coconut tree. (Deep Sigh)
This was just the intro, LOL.

All I am seeing is warfare of late so for the next several prophetic words that’s what I’ll be addressing.
Now to the vision…
I’m not going to give you all the details of each one but several times I’ve seen the blood of Jesus just roll over certain areas like a covering. His blood was covering certain regions. I’ve prayed blanketed prayers for the body in Christ in general but this last vision appeared to be a little more specific and that’s when I asked the Lord if I should share it and He said Yes.
Imagine you see a drop of blood coming down out of heaven….I saw one drop of blood and it was so big that when it hit the target it covered an entire community. Then looked over into another area and I saw another drop of blood and when that one hit it covered a single house in a community. Then I saw another drop of blood and when that one hit it covered an entire family. Then I saw another drop of blood and when that one hit it covered only one person that was standing in a group of people. That means only that one person is protected. It was very specific and very targeted drops. It wasn’t general.
There are specific communities, households, families and individuals that God is going to protect. From what? I don’t know but I’m sure you are going to figure that out shortly.
I asked if I should share this because it was so specific and I don’t know each of you individually, what you are facing, what’s going on in your community, household, or your family. So, you need to take responsibility and cover yourself under the blood of Jesus.
This is for protection. The enemy is on the prowl. There’s nothing for you to be afraid of. So being fearful after reading this is silly and pointless. Cover yourself and that is it.
The BLOOD is going to do the work here and not you!
There’s nothing for you to figure out or wonder about or try to find out how you are going to fight that, no. Do not concern yourself with that.
This is warfare from a place of REST.
The Blood of Jesus is going to handle it. You just need to pray it over you, your family, your household, your community, your friends, your business associates, your finances, your job, your ministry, your car, whatever else comes to mind and THE BLOOD will do what it is supposed to do.
You are already praying over yourself and your family so you just need to make sure to add this as a part of your prayer. That’s all. There is nothing more to it. And, this is a simple prayer…
I cover myself under the blood of Jesus, I cover my health, my mind, my finances, my resources, my spouse, my children, I cover my car, my job, my businesses (name them out), my family members and friends, I cover …
Do it everyday.
Once you cover yourself and the enemy realizes he can’t get you, he is going to go after the things around you.
Like? If you are trying to buy a house or sell a house you need to cover the realtor in the blood of Jesus, the bank, the mortgage company, the buyer and their family and their finances. I’m not joking. Some of you may see your deals just start falling apart right at the last minute. Cover it and everything associated with it.
If you have a business deal you are working one cover every single person that is involved and their families under the blood of Jesus. Otherwise you will start seeing things that you thought was a done deal fall apart. Cover them. I’m telling you to cover their families too because if you cover that one person and they could be fine and then the next thing you know they are telling you they want to “postpone” the deal because their mother suddenly fell ill.
The devil and his minions CANNOT cross the BLOOD OF JESUS. They have to literally sit back and watch you take the land city by city! Hallelujah!
Exodus 12:13 “But the blood on your doorposts will serve as a sign, marking the houses where you are staying. When I see the blood, I will pass over you. This plague of death will not touch you when I strike the land of Egypt.“
You don’t have “it” until it is actually in your hand. “I got a new job!!!” When did you start? “I don’t start for another week” Then you don’t have a job. You have a job when you show up and you are sitting at your desk, that’s when you have a job.
“I just sold my house” Really? When did you close? “I haven’t yet but I have a signed contract” Then you haven’t sold your house. After you sit at the closing table signed and turned over the keys to the new homeowners that is when you sold your house.
Some of you are talking TOO SOON. And the enemy jumps right in there and snatches it before it can reach your hands. Promises with no manifestation. Don’t say anything until you have it in your hands. Stop giving people the play by play details on your life. Only tell the people that actually need to know.
Until you are holding it in your hands, you need to continue covering it. Do not ease up!
The enemy is persistent so you need to be persistent x 3
(Matthew 26:28) “… for this is my blood, which confirms the covenant between God and his people. It is poured out as a sacrifice to forgive the sins of many.”
(Hebrews 13:12) “So also Jesus suffered and died outside the city gates to make his people holy by means of his own blood.“
(Romans 5:9) “Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! “
(Hebrews 10:19-22) “And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. 20 By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place. 21 And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God’s house, 22 let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water. “
(Revelation 12:11) “And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony….”
This is my word indeed. This my word for sure. I will continue to apply the blood of Jesus as instructed.
My eyes have just opened. I have indeed spoken too soon and lost opportunities and contracts when they were about to happen. I had a sense that am in warfere ,but never thought more about how intense it was. The Lord is faithful.
Bless you
Dearest MOP,
I have a testimony to share. We had a condo for sale and it was on the market for about 3 months. We had about 2 showings per week, but no offers. It was a hard sale because it was a one bedroom and one bath condo. After I received the prophetic word, The Blood of Jesus…I began to pray the way you had taught it. That was on a Friday and we had 4 or 5 showings for the next 3 days! By Monday we had received a cash offer!! We closed on it today at 2:00! God is so faithful and the blood of Jesus is so powerful! Thank you for your teachings! I’ve learned and have grown tremendously! I’m so grateful 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Victory dance!!!! Praise the Lord!!! Isn’t He a good good God??? So Faithful! Oh my goodness! I love it. Thank you for sharing.