Prayer Alert for the Elections

prayer for the election

We felt compelled to share these prayer points with you for the upcoming elections.  These were shared by Dutch Sheets and we thought they would be a good guideline for everyone to use and to prayerfully agree:

  • We vote for a person of decency and honor (integrity matters)
  • We vote for someone that cannot be bought or sold (crony capitalism is evil)
  •  We don’t jump from the frying pan of failed government to the fire of another chameleon who changes colors at will (the political spirit)
  • We remember that not everyone in Washington DC has been part of the problem—be wise and discerning (God has been sending some good men and women to DC)
  • We vote for humility (which God exalts), morality and righteousness (which exalts a nation)
  • We choose substance and specific ideas over shallow rhetoric, fame, showbiz events and exciting promises (does anyone remember ’08?)
  • We vote for a strict constitutionalist (it was born through prayer and based on scripture)
  • We remember that we are also voting for the next 2-3 Supreme Court Justices, who will undoubtedly shape our nation and lives for decades! (they could possibly do more good or bad for our nation than the next president)
  • We vote for an uncompromising, consistent, radically pro-life person (we MUST have this)
  • By God’s grace we end up with a born-again, praying, Bible-reading, moral, humble, honest and wise person in the White House

Be very careful. Pray. Listen to your heart where Holy Spirit lives. I promise you—we’re voting for the destiny of our nation.

Please feel free to share this with all your friends.

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