This prophetic word for May 2022. It is compiled from different visions and encounters with the Lord received on different days and a dream shared by a friend that all fit together to tell a story.
Who is this word for? Everyone. There may be some pieces in here that speak to you more than others. As a whole, it paints a picture about where we are heading for the rest of this year.
I heard the Lord say Changes. Changes. Changes. Changes. Difficult Changes.
Be flexible.
Some of these changes are going to be much awaited changes you’ve been asking for. What you would consider a good change. Some will be difficult, not bad, just difficult because God is working all things out for your good to accomplish His purpose.
None of us like changes, especially when it gets us out of our comfort zone. Covid presented the first level of major change, and we’ll never go back to how things were prior to Covid. There are more changes coming and the Lord is saying some will be difficult.
Nothing for you to be afraid of but before you weary yourself in spiritual battle you may want to find out if the change you are experiencing is actually the Lord or not. There’s no point in your fighting something you cannot stop.
Be flexible. Changes require adjustment.
Prayer – Lord are you the one doing this? Prepare me to adjust to these changes.
That is all you have to do, pray and wait for the answer so you know how to move forward.
This is a dream from a friend that I believe fits in with this word…
I was with many people and then a huge lion enters and petrifies everyone including me but he comes up to me and I pet him and he snuggles to up to me. Goodness Im petrified within but I still do it. When I get the chance I just go out of that place only to have him look out for me. Im hiding and seeing him roam around for me and all those people getting crazy scared because of his presence running helter skelter. I muster up courage and for their sake go up to him only to be welcomed with even more love than earlier. snuggles and all those things that cats do to those they love. Im scared but not so much now. we are in this crowded place where a huge lion is snuggling up to me.
This is the Lion of Judah. I think a part of the changes that are coming. Some of the things will be God’s doing even if it appears terrifying to us, the saints. He is not there to hurt you. Actually, it becomes the moment when we can identify the ones that are truly His. Praise the Lord!! Recognition.
He was looking for the dreamer. He’s expecting you to shine. He’s looking for you to step up and step out. I believe this also serves as a sign to the enemy that may be watching that they can’t touch you. The enemy will also be terrified and will recognize that The Lion is on your side. Many people were able to see that. YOU will step out to stop the people from being terrified. This speaks of the level of authority that they carry. The relationship that you have with the Lord. What the dreamer was feeling is the Spirit of the fear of the Lord. It is reverence to God. The Lion is not to be messed with even if He is cuddling up to you.
Later that night this dream…
The other dream: Two people including my office prayer partner C are seated with me and we are all served chocolates….yummmm. all kinds of chocolates…round ones and strips, nutties and all in our bowls. We each had our bowls. Then this guy whom I could not see came to me and gave me a whole new lot and much bigger and chunky ones and also let me have the ones in my bowl. I was so thrilled. I love chocolates.
After the Lion has done what He is here to do these are the results…CHOCOLATES!! The angels will be delivering to you what is promised. And, even when you think you’ve seem all the blessings he will show up with bigger and better ones. You won’t have to choose, you can have it all! Hallelujah!
Psalm 34:8
“O taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man that trusteth in Him!”
Something delicious! Decadence. We are not going through all of this for nothing. And notice that the blessings came in many different shapes, sizes and forms. It’s not just going to be one blessing but many that will come.
Psalm 27:13-14
“I would have fainted, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart. Wait, I say, on the Lord!”
I heard the Lord say What I am about to do is going to create opportunities for many of you.
In the midst of the madness, the children of God are about to soar! In the midst of the chaos giant doors of opportunity will open for many.
The opposition will pave the way for opportunity.
The chaos is actually going to unveil an opportunity for you.
You see the reason God brings these prophetic warnings to us ahead of time is so that we will deal with our own fears and enable us to be prepared for what is to come. God doesn’t want His children to be caught off guard. He wants us ready and not distracted.
Opportunities generally come with warfare and I see it in this season as not only people coming against you but the external pressures of what is happening in the world.
(1 Corinthians 16:9) “because a door of great opportunity stands wide open for me, but there are many opponents.”
There are opportunities coming for you. Good ones. You are only going to see them if you stay mentally positive and stay out of fear. Look for the good. Be the one to spot the diamond in the rough.
Prayer – Lord, in the midst of this chaos and mayhem, show me the opportunities that You have created for me.
Then you wait and look for it. There will be business opportunities, investment opportunities and ministry opportunities. Read Isaiah 45:1-3 Ka-Ching!
In a vision, I see this densely wooded area and I’m looking down at it from above. It looks like a jungle then I see a jeep it was very bright blue then I see another jeep and it was yellow, then I see another and it was fuchsia. They were all these very brightly colored jeep/SUV/4 wheel drive vehicles with bright colors so even though these were driving through the jungle you could still see them through the trees because the color made them stand out.
What is the purpose of a jeep/4 wheel drive vehicle? To get through rocky terrain. This is the climate we’ll be entering into. Bumpy ride. Fasten your seat belt. Turbulence.
Why are they all Jeep? They are coming from the same factory (Father, Son & Holy Ghost built). They are the same Maker just a different model. We are the same doesn’t mean we will all look the same.
Why the colors? They stand out. Even in the most densely wooded area you’ll spot a yellow vehicle. Even though the trees are green you’ll see a moving neon green jeep. They stand out.
Each color actually mean something different. They stand out for different reasons. They came out of the factory with that color. They were created like this.
These are actually the ones selected for this new era church. Each one of them has something different/unique to offer. They will attract the attention of those around them because they are different. Not like the rest. They are not blending in with society or acting like those that are around them. They are different.
These colors represent what they will offer the world. People are going to need what they carry.
Blue – Peace
Yellow – Joy
Fuchsia – A deep love for Jesus that they can impart to others
Purple – Finances/Wealth to keep the church going through turbulent times. Financing the Kindom work.
Green – Encouragement, imparting hope to people
Orange – Perseverance/Diligence
White – Holiness/Purity
They will stand out because they will shine in the right opportunity because others around them won’t be able to do what they are doing. What they have is a special grace to handle situations that we will be facing.
They are going to help a lot of people. This is not something they are waiting to receive, it has already been deposited within them. The opportunity has just not arrived yet so that others can clearly see it.
What they have is not for them but to be shared with the world.
They were created for such a time as this.
Immediately following the vision of the Jeeps, I saw the hand of the Lord like a builder and He was pouring out concrete for the foundation of a new house/structure.
He will be pouring the foundation of the new church. Setting it in stone. Unshakeable. Immoveable. These are the ones that will form the new church.
1 Peter 2:5-8
And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. What’s more, you are his holy priests. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God. As the Scriptures say,
“I am placing a cornerstone in Jerusalem,
chosen for great honor,
and anyone who trusts in him
will never be disgraced.”
Yes, you who trust him recognize the honor God has given him. But for those who reject him,
“The stone that the builders rejected
has now become the cornerstone.”
“He is the stone that makes people stumble,
the rock that makes them fall.”
They stumble because they do not obey God’s word, and so they meet the fate that was planned for them.”
Jesus is the Chief cornerstone and we are a part of that building. He showed me this directly after showing me the Jeeps and this tells me that He’s building the foundation with “the Jeeps”. Even though they will have to go through rocky terrain and mud, as long as they keep themselves clean by washing the tires as they go, God will do mighty things with them (John 13:1-17)
When He comes to you and tells you to step out and do something you need to do it. The foundation is being poured.
You have to remember that when He said to Peter “upon this rock, I will build my church” and Peter went out and did what he was told this was not in a pleasant environment. The disciples were heavily persecuted. Heavily. And they died as martyrs.
Joseph didn’t get out of prison to ride off into the sunset and drink pina coladas. No, he got out so he could WORK and prepare for a famine. Not a pleasant environment.
Esther didn’t get into the palace so that she could wear pretty clothes and jewelry. No it was not a pleasant environment…her husband was a drunk and she almost died along with an entire nation.
It’s like God needs to have these types of environments to show the ones who are truly for Him. When He comes to you and says “I need you to step up and step out you need to be ready to go” The foundation is being poured. Are you ready?
Hebrews 12:26-29
When God spoke from Mount Sinai his voice shook the earth, but now he makes another promise: “Once again I will shake not only the earth but the heavens also.” This means that all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain.
Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe. For our God is a devouring fire.
There are good things ahead we will just need to go through some rough terrain to get to it. Stay prayed up and keep your eyes focused on Jesus.
Hello Missionaries of prayer.
I had a dream last night that I was in a field with my daughter. Suddenly, purple flowers appeared and they spread far and wide. They were so so beautiful.
I told my daughter that there was a message from Missionaries of prayer about colours of flowers (that’s what I thought in the dream). So I told my daughter I must go back to that prophetic message and read the meaning.
When I woke up I remembered it was jeeps.
I saw a bright blue jeep today and immediately thought of this post. When I first read it, I knew I was one of these jeeps. I wondered if God was showing me today that my time was coming, or if seeing it was a coincidence. 10 minutes later when I arrived where I was going, I saw the bright orange jeep. I believe God is showing me that I will be a foundation of peace and perseverance. I have been an over comer throughout my life. My diet has changed drastically in the last 6 months since most things were making me sick. I don’t eat a lot now but I’m healthier for it. With your last post about the food, I can see how it’s a preparation for what’s to come. I’ve been facing many challenges continually. I believe they are a blessing from the Lord to prepare me and my family. I believe the Lord has been taking care of me and my family without us realizing it during the time but then I can see afterwards why He did what she did or why we went through what we went through. I look at challenges differently now and ask what I’m to learn through each one. I feel like I’m on a fast track to leaning on the Lord and learning to trust Him in all circumstances. The lessons keep coming. I see many blessings in the difficulties. God bless you and keep you.
I saw a bright yellow jeep and a white one today! Praise God! Fuschia is the one I want to see most! I want my love for the Lord to pour out💕
Several years ago I drove by a Jeep dealership and saw a purple gladiator jeep and I thought wow that is a nice color. Then, several months ago as I was praying for a car, that jeep purple gladiator came to mind. So, I thought maybe God is going to provide me that vehicle and I need to continue to agree with God. So, then I traveled to see my daughter and I began in my spirit someone driving the car to her home. So, I continue to pray and believe on the car. I even looked in the internet about one, the only thing that there none around, I found one in Nebraska for sale. So, when I received the email with this post, I said wow God was showing me the blessings and the way I am supposed to use it. Also, I will provably be able to buy a car with the blessings and be a blessings to others at the same time! So, I am believing that anytime I will receive the blessing! Praise God for the clarification on my vision!
Greetings Everyone,
I can definitely relate to this word and confirm what was said as it pertains to the Lion of Judah and the new vehicles leaving factories. I had two dreams in Dec 2020 featuring lions. In the first dream, a lion was sitting in my lap and I just marveled because I didn’t think that lions could ‘fit’ in my lap and it was very calm. This I believed and still believe is the Lion of Judah. The second dream featured a lion that was causing fear and people were running away as it was destroying things and one specific item that I recall was it destroyed my cell-phone in a red case. I remember being more concerned about my nephews’ and nieces’ safety. I believe that this lion was the enemy. The third dream was last year of me snuggling and cuddling a lion on the floor of a bathroom. My, my, it was a very loving experience and it reminded me of Aslan. This was definitely the Lion of Judah. I do remember a lady in the dream mocking me for snuggling with the lion but I just ignored her. I woke up feeling very loved and cherished!
Now last month, March 16, 2022 to be precise, I dreamt that I was in a parkade with my father and watched classy/classic vehicles leaving it. The two vehicles that I remember seeing driving down and out of the parkade were a cream coloured (I don’t remember them being pure white) bentley (?1964) and a cream coloured mini Cooper respectively. I went to the 2 attendants that were stationed at an entrance and asked them how to exit and I was redirected to a specific level (go back into the elevator and to ?1- not sure about the level either 1 or 2) and I went back to relay the message to my father but He was no where to be found.
I think that part of the interpretation is that I/we should not go ahead of God and wait for Him to reveal us and emerge in His vehicle of choice (job/assignment) for me/us and the need to be still. I remember feeling ready to emerge and a hint of impatience. I also think that the attendants and father in the dream represent angels/divine helpers and Abba Father respectively. I’m open to any other insights that anyone might have. Thanks and Shalom 🙂
I went for a solo walk yesterday. Something that I haven’t done in months if not in a year. I saw a yellow jeep as featured here and I just smiled broadly. I don’t think it means much at this time, but just wanted to share it and I reflected on the content of this word.
Hello Everyone (Again),
I just felt the need to update and expand on something that I had said earlier about the yellow jeep that I had spotted and the comment “I don’t think it means much at this time, but just wanted to share it and I reflected on the content of this word.” It does mean something after all! As I stepped out of a shopping centre a yellow jeep was parked right in front of me and I smiled. This happened around the beginning of May if I’m not mistaken. On May 7, 2022 as I was returning from an unexpected award ceremony (may Yahweh Alone be praised), I heard a car honk on the road. I looked over to my left and it was a couple in a yellow jeep! I didn’t know them and there really was no need for them to honk at me, according to my knowledge. It was almost as if the Holy Spirit was saying “the yellow means something, it is not a coincidence!” I just felt in my spirit that I needed to provide this update here and I’m expectant and on the alert as to how to implement the meaning of the colour yellow 🙂
Will surely pray more on this. Shalom😊
What if it’s a dream of black new shiny Jeep with me in the driver’s seat?😬 It had white leather interior; which looked pretty awesome lol. I realised it had two sunroof; one over the drivers seat and the other in the back behind the drivers seat. The front one was much bigger. I decided I wanted to open it and begun looking for a remote; as soon as the thought entered my mind it opened by itself. There was glass there; so crystal clear that when I looked up the sky seemed more closer and its like I could see endlessly into the sky. Everything seemed magnified. Then the sun shifted and shone through the glass; both inside of the jeep and outside was illuminated with the light so much that I could see everything super clearer. Then the dream shifted and I was in a classroom with some students; they were sitting but I was standing near the front of the class with the teacher looking. She then said, I need everyone to release a word of Prophesy; my hand shot up first ( I’m normally a quiet person) she pointed at me and said go ahead. Then I said, “I perceive…” words begun to flow out of my mouth; words I did not even know I knew. God is truly awesome
Thank you for sharing your dream, Kelle with us. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.
You will embark on a journey that might been hidden and mysterious (black). This opportunity/ministry will surprise yourself and others. It might even be related to something along the prophetic (you were prophesying 🙂 ) and whatever it is appears to be in a church (school) setting.
Your dream uses untraditional meanings of symbols, that is, colour and setting. Be encouraged and thank God. Be expectant and I’m happy for you 😁
Love you my dear. So encouraged!!!
Thank you for this timely, powerful and fiery word!! I am in the midst of “all happening all at once” type prayers that I have been believing in God for for years!! He is doing what He said He will do and I must not forget where He has brought me from!! I thank and praise God for His goodness and for establishing me!! Thank God for your ministry!! Blessings!
I totally agree with this word and my dreams have been confirmation as well! and one dream I was telling somebody that I am green, and in another dream I was put in an office previously occupied, that I had to clean out. And the Lord is reminding me of lessons I learned last year, don’t get stuck in the daily Muck and shake the dust off your feet and MoveOn when he tells me too. I love the Holy Spirit when he brings us clarification and lights all of our paths! praise the Lord! We love you have a father for you are the great I am that we willingly follow with love in our hearts!