Happy New Year!! Before you read this word, are you signed up for our New Year Fast? Get more details on the fast here.
This is the prophetic word for January 2022 and I am calling this one The Two Shoes.
This prophetic word is based on a dream. Even though this says January 2022, this goes way beyond that time frame and speak of the days that are upon us.
Who is this word for? Everyone. It doesn’t matter that the shoes are female shoes the message is universal.
The dream:
I went to visit a shoe store that my friend opened. I just thought I would stop by to support her and perhaps buy some shoes. When I arrived at the store they had just received a new shipment of shoes. I saw them unpacking the boxes in the store, one store clerk was putting them into the computer system as the other clerk was putting them on the store shelf.
For some reason I was standing at the doorway, I didn’t go into the store. The door was stopped open and I was standing at the entrance outside and speaking to the clerk inside the store.
What I was doing is saving myself from buying too many pairs of shoes that I don’t really need. I thought if I stay outside and just talk to the clerk at the doorway, I could just buy one maybe two pairs and leave. If I walk around in the store I am more likely to buy more than I need. I say to one of the clerks “what do you have on clearance in a size 9?”
He walks over to me, still standing outside at the doorway, and he hands me a pair of blue ballerina flats. They are laced up on the front. He says “these are a size 10 but I am sure they will fit you since they have lace. You can tie them on to your feet and they are on clearance today of only $10”. I thought this was a deal and I needed to get them. Even though in the back of my mind I am thinking I already own a pair of navy blue driving shoes I don’t need another pair of blue shoes. Then again I am here supporting my friend so might as well buy it and I know for sure I will wear them.
When I put them on you could see that they were a little big but the lace kept them in place so I thought it looked ok. Plus the clerk assured me they looked perfect.
Then, still standing outside the store at the doorway, I said to him “I noticed you just got new shipment in, is there something there that you think I should look at?” He comes over to me with a pair of white boots. They were gorgeous. But they were snow boots. This is a furthest thing from ballerina flats. Also, how often would I be in snow anyway? He shows me the poster on the wall of a model wearing these boots walking in snow. They were the new style that just came out. They were the “it boots” at the moment and very fashion forward. I thought they looked super cute but what was puzzling to me is that the boots had no real support on the bottom. They looked like soft baby shoes. Even the model in the photo as she was stepping up you could see the imprint of her foot pushing at the bottom of the shoes.
Yes, just like a newborn baby shoes not really meant for walking because they can’t walk at that age anyway. He saw that I was puzzled that there was no support at the bottom of the boots and he ignoring this oddity said to me. “You are going to need these in very cold weather. They will keep your feet warm. These are $40″. As if the most important thing was to keep my feet warm and not so much arch support for walking. I was a little taken aback because $40, in the dream, was really expensive and since I owned a shoe store, in the past, I knew that the markup was pretty high.
At that moment, my friend who owns the store walked up and I said to her that her shoes were pretty expensive. She informed me that the cheapest shoes she could buy as a wholesaler now was $20 while when I had my store, I could get shoes for $5. She told me that things have gone up a lot now. Things are not the same.
I stood there still “hemming and hawing” over whether or not I should buy them. I was indecisive and so I began to talk myself out of it. You know, that internal conversation…how often am I in the snow? Do I really need to spend $40 on boots now that I may only wear once per year? I could be doing something else with that money. I really don’t need these. I will get more wear out of the ballerina flats. Then again, they were the only pair and it was my size and I liked the color. Trying to help myself out of the indecision, I asked if it came in other colors. The clerk pointed to the wall and I saw the other available colors were khaki, brown and black.
I knew that if I was going to get it, I would definitely buy the white one. In my opinion they were the best ones. The clerk saw my hesitation and he walked up to me and stood right in my face (completely invading my personal space, he was inches away from my face) and he said to me “You know what businesses are around here? Bank of America, Chase, and large insurance companies. If you walk away from this now and decide to come back later, it won’t be here.”
What he meant by this is the store is in a strip mall so on Monday when the people from these larger companies who work in the area come for lunch in the mall it is guaranteed someone else will buy those boots. I needed to get them at that moment, or they will not be there if I decided to come back later. Besides these banking people won’t see $40 as a lot of money. It was now or never. I needed to get off the fence and make a decision.
Still undecided I write out a check for $10 because I was sure that I was taking the ballerina flats. And this was the first time I stepped into the store to pay. As I am walking to the register I told the clerk that I wrote a check, but I can also pay cash if they don’t take checks. He said it doesn’t matter and I handed him the check.
As I am standing there and the clerk is ringing up the shoes, I was still doing the self-talk “do I really need these boots? I like them. It is kind of a waste of money for something I won’t use a lot” Then I woke up.
Interpretation of the dream:
Shoes. This is your foundation. How you are walking through life. Blue is the color of revelation. Size 9 is the number for fruitfulness. While the past revelation was fruitful, it is time to make a change. Step into a bigger size. Size 10, the number for completion of a journey. We are all moving into a new season now. The old things have passed away and the new has come.
What stands out for me with these shoes is that they have lace. They have to be tied, bind to my feet so they stay on and don’t fall off. Remember, I already own navy blue driving shoes. I didn’t need another pair but these were different they had lace that needed to by tied to my feet. So what is the revelation that we need to step into and bind to us as we move forward into this year?
(Proverbs 3:3 NIV) Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.
(Proverbs 6:20-22 NIV) “My son, keep your father’s command and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. Bind them always on your heart; fasten them around your neck. When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you.”
Father meaning Abba Father and Mother meaning Holy Spirit. I would recommend reading the entire Proverbs 6 as I believe even more revelation will come to you personally through that.
(Deuteronomy 6:4-8 NIV) “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”
Remember I was standing at the doorframes the entire time.
I paid $10 to get the shoes. This is a completion, a fullness of time. The end of a journey. It is the number of the law and the end of a season of testing and trials. Moving from old revelation (size 9) into new revelation for the new season (size 10). The next 10 years you’re going to need new revelation. The old stuff is not going to work. It may not seem like it fits at the moment but you’ll be able walk in it no problem. It is going to cost you – cash or check – it doesn’t matter, it is going to cost you.
The new revelation will cost you.
You will need to crucify your flesh to walk in that…until you grow into it, tie it around you and don’t let go. If you think “loving your neighbor as yourself” is going to get any easier, then you have no idea what’s coming. Leads me to the next shoes.
The white winter boots. Why was I standing outside? I didn’t want to commit. Stepping in meant that I was going to spend more than I wanted to or thought I needed to. It was going to cost me. Some things in life are costly and we don’t want to pay the price for it.
Are you willing to pay the price? I know some of us don’t want to go through any suffering and pain so we will do as much as we can to avoid it. This is human.
You know when you hear a prophetic word and you say quickly “I’m not receiving that” when the fact is sometimes it is actually God, we just don’t want to hear it? You always need to take everything to the Lord, even the things you don’t want to hear. Because some of the things “you’re not receiving” may actually be the Lord.
Non-committal. Why? Because those shoes are out of season for me. I don’t need them. I’m not in the snow often so why get them?
What I am about to say some of you are going to think, this has nothing to do with me. I don’t need this. When the truth is, you do. It concerns all of us. Winter is coming.
White is the color of purity, holiness. This is what the Lord is requiring of us in this season. We need to walk in Holiness and Purity. Untainted. Undefiled. Incorruptible.
The clerk walked up to me and spoke into my face, too close for comfort, so that I wouldn’t miss it. He was making sure I heard him LOUD and CLEAR. Because this was the moment, he was explaining to me why I needed those boots. Why it was going to get cold.
The banks – Bank of America one of the largest in the US
The credit card companies – Chase another major bank
The insurance companies – the ones backing your retirement fund and policies.
are coming to take the shoes. That means, they are going to fail. A financial crisis. Economic crisis. Financial institutions will have a problem in 2022-23. They’re calling in those loans. They want their money. They are going to close down the lines of credit. That is the winter.
There’s a possibility if you have no money, you may think this isn’t going to affect you (noncommittal). It’s not in season for you.
Let me assure you, if the banking system collapses. All of us will be affected. All.
Whether you have money or not, this going to affect you. Why? You are going to see people, even those in the church, turn into their real self. Remember how Covid and the lockdowns revealed the worst part of us. Yeah, like that, except worse. Those who put their trust and security in money instead of the Lord will be turned inside out. This is a part of the darkness and shaking that we will encounter. When the 401K no longer exists, when all the money is wiped clean and there is none, you are going to see people turn COLD. Heartless. Winter Cold.
(Matthew 6:24 NIV) “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”
How else are you going to know which master you serve lest mammon be shaken?
That is why He will do this. This is a part of the makeover of the new church. He needs to see that there is only ONE exalted in your heart. Jesus Christ.
You may not realize this, but do you know poor people can also serve mammon? Yes, they can. I never used to think this until the Lord had to show it to me. How can someone be poor and have the spirit of mammon? They can be so obsessed with getting rich. Obsessed with money. Playing the lottery every week, what is that?
If with your last dollar you are buying a ticket because “you never know”, that says where you have put your trust. That money should be going to build up the Kingdom of God, not building your biceps because you’ve become the king of the scratch off! That’s where it should be going. Don’t get mad. This is a warning. There is no justifying these actions. Some people every dream about numbers results in the purchase of a lottery ticket. “I’m gonna play those numbers”. And, they still don’t win! Clearly that is not what God was saying through those numbers. Repent. Stop obsessing over money.
If all you think about is money, then mammon has your heart.
When this shaking arrives, you having no money is irrelevant because the people around you will create that feeling of winter. You may not feel it financially, but you will feel it from the people around you.
(Matthew 24:10-14 NIV) “At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
People are going to become so desperate. The false prophets will be there to take your money promising false hope. People will do things for money that you would never imagine.
This will be the time for the true sons and daughters to step forward and shine. In Holiness and Purity, with a revelation on how to survive this that can only come from God. But that won’t happen if the shaking of mammon is affecting you because you heart is tied to it. People are going to lose faith in others, leaders, and the church if they are not properly rooted and grounded in the Lord. There was only one pair of boots that was white and my size. Only one. That means it will be hard for you to find “the real ones” when this happens.
Money. This is what will expose them. The lack of money. Their hearts will come to the surface because of money. There’s nothing wrong with saving and having a retirement plan but you can’t put your trust in this. Sometimes it takes things like this happening to expose where we have put our hope and trust.
(Matthew 5:8 NIV) “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.”
(2 Corinthians 7:1 NIV) “Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.”
Whenever you see the word therefore in the bible you need to investigate what it is there for and you find this in the verses that come before, and you can read it here 2 Corinthians 6:14-18
Do you know how a collapse happens? It happens suddenly. So you will go from not needing those boots to needing them within 24 hours. Get the white boots. You shouldn’t be on the fence about this. Start committing in your heart right now, how you are going to respond.
In the dream, I was at the store on a Saturday and the idea was once those people got to work on Monday, the boots would no longer be available. I believe this speaks of the closeness of these things happening. From the moment you start to notice the first crack in the system to when it falls apart will be quick. Pray into this.
They cost $40. I was shocked at the price because I know these should’ve been only $20. This is a sign of the inflation. This is already happening folks! 40 is another number for testing and trials. Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days and He ended victorious. The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. Some of them did overcome. Through FAITH and BELIEVING God to bring them into what He promised.
You won’t feel like being loving to people, especially after you see how they will become. Do not become cold in your heart towards others. So hardened and no longer pliable (Ezekiel 36:26). That is why the shoes were soft. Like shoes of a newborn. Soft. Tender-hearted. Not allowing what is happening around you to harden you. This is how you need to walk. This is not going to be easy. Baby shoes because you’ve never gone through some of the things you are about to go through. You will be like a newborn in this environment.
Don’t let it change you.
(Ephesians 4:32 NIV) “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”
Do. Not. Let. It. Change. You. You will see everybody acting a certain way and you may say “what is the point?” Well, this is important to God. If it wasn’t, He wouldn’t give you this warning. Don’t let it change you. This is actually your moment to shine. Remember Joshua and Caleb had to stand up to 10 others and a hundreds of Israelites and say “NO, we will do what the Lord says in spite of what it looks like” I pray this will be your testimony too. Don’t cave in to the external pressures.
You’re going to need to crucify your flesh. Be incorruptible. Pure.
(1 Peter 1:22-25 NKJV) “Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart, having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever, because
“All flesh is as grass,
And all the glory of man as the flower of the grass.
The grass withers,
And its flower falls away,
But the word of the Lord endures forever.”
This is your only option that will please the Lord. The other boots – khaki, this is not white. Though the color is lighter it is not pure. Brown – darker than khaki, Black – the worst of the worst. During these cold times people are going use different means to keep themself warm and protected.
These are the options of what people will walk in. Not pure. Defiled. Tainted. Sin. Total Darkness. This is how the rest of the world will handle this. Many will fall away from church. The enemy is going to come and tempt people with darkness as means of escape. A means to get out of a bad situation. Please don’t do it. Witchcraft and workers of iniquity are going to come and entice you away. They will tell you that they have an easier way to get things done and some of you are going to be tempted to go there. Please don’t. You never know when it is your final breath, and you may not have time to repent so you need to just stay away from anything that is impure. There is a difference between white and khaki so when “they” come to sell you a way out that is khaki you need to say no. Much less, black. Not an option. We are living in a time now when we wake up the following morning and hundreds of people died the night before in a natural disaster. You do not know when it will be your last breath so this is neither the time or hour to be playing with God. STAND until the very end.
I woke up still undecided. Still unsure.
Here’s what I know, some of you will think this word is not for you now. However, that can change in 24 hours. Heed the warning.
I don’t know how you feel about this, so please pray about it, but I’m not sure I should pray against the collapse. Sometimes God has to wipe the board clean and start again. We are certainly experiencing a season of dismantling and this may just be another thing that needs to happen before we can truly start moving forward again. Even though the banking names were American companies this doesn’t mean it can’t happen in your country. Wherever it is, the collapse is imminent. Those people were coming for lunch on Monday whether I liked it or not. The only thing I could do is prepare by getting the boots before they took it.
So, you need to decide if praying against the collapse is the right thing. I am going to leave that between you and the Lord. Sometimes you don’t know what is in the heart of a man until they go through things like this. Sometimes you don’t even know what is in your own heart until you go through things like this.
Prayer (John 17:9-19) Jesus’ prayer to the Father on your behalf:
“I pray for them. I do not pray for the world but for those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours. And all Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine, and I am glorified in them. Now I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to You. Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are. While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled. But now I come to You, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves. I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they also may be sanctified by the truth.”
Holy Spirit, we need you now. Strengthen us for the days ahead. Prepare us. Where we have opened our hearts to mammon instead of Jesus Christ, I pray you remove it. I repent for putting my trust in anything else except Jesus Christ. Forgive me for practicing this idolatry. Cleanse me and make me pure. White as snow. Keep our hearts soft and pliable. Let us hold firm to Your word. Bind love and faithfulness around our necks, may it be clear as we step into this new season that we belong to You. Write it on the tablet of our hearts. Give us a spirit to forgive those who have wronged us in the past and those who will wrong us in the future. May our speech be seasoned with kindness and grace. When we open our mouths may it be filled with Your Truth. The word. Give us that incorruptible seed. Remove compromise from us. Let it not be an option. Remind us to stare into Your eyes Jesus as we step into the storm and walk on the water as you will keep us from sinking. Steady us if and when we wobble. We know that you are able to keep us from falling away. Open our hearts to supernatural intervention as we know that is what it will take to get us through this time. Keep and protect our family members and friends. Give us the grace to go through tough times as we wait for Your promises. We believe You Lord, in Jesus name, Amen.
This word is not to instill fear but to prepare you. Whatever preparations you need to make, pray, ask God and then make them. The greatest preparation you can make at this time is to make sure that you heart is not tethered to anything else but Jesus Christ.
My Financial Institution called me saying I need to pay back the money I owe them and it is a lot of money. They said they don’t care if I sell all my assets but they need their money. I had read this prophecy and I knew this was coming. I know God will help me. FYI, I have no assets to sell but God will make a way for me. This I know very well.
I am so sorry to hear this happened to you. Praying God will show you the way out. Remember you have the blue shoes which is revelation on how to get out from this situation. God will do it! Blessings
Good word Holy Spirit!! I’ve had recent situations where my love was tested. I was hurt, perplexed but not in despair. This word is confirmation on so many levels.
I recently had a dream where it involved white flip flops/sandals. I remember walking a distance thinking I had my shoes on but looked and realized I didn’t. Even though it wasn’t a big deal, I didn’t want to walk on gravel, asphalt, or dirt without some protection on my feet. I turned around and saw my flip flops at the door.
Again, thanks for this word!! God has been dealing with me about expansion and keys, so I’ve been meditating on Isaiah 54 (ex lengthening our cords, strengthening our stakes, enlarging our tents, etc). the last week of December.
I am still excited about what God will do in 2022!!
Now I understand why the Lord gave me Ezekiel 7 a few days ago. My heart has been so heavy since then; I have been asking him what must I do; how do I pray about this?. Who do I speak to; who will listen? Whenever I go into prayer even if I had a personal request the deep cry that’s comes from my spirit is for the manifestation of his glory as in Acts chapter 2 and for his will to be done in the earth as it is in heaven.
Wow. This is the voice of God.
Just this morning I listened to one of the last prophesies of Bob Jones regarding “The Seven Storms”. In the prophesy there are seven storms all cascading into one “perfect storm”. This word was released in 2010 but interestingly, as I was watching it, I was discerning that several of the storms have been unleashed – we are in the perfect storm. The one that really stood out to me that has not come to pass was one that God also revealed to me personally was coming very soon – the collapse of the financial system as we know it. In Bobs words “it will be a very emotional time for many people who have invested there whole lives into this system to have it all be for nothing.”.
The Lord revealed to me that we are like Israel being led out of slavery but when we come out of the comforts of Egypt many will curse the name of God.
Oh Lord please help us to have faith in you alone! We are oppressed in this system! We cannot go on like this and be the more than conquerors you have created us to be!
The flip is coming. The transfer is coming. Anoint your true ones with the light of hope so that faith can arise and despair can be done away with forever. Amen.
Amen. This word aligns with the Prophetic word God gave me for 2022. He told me to read John 12:20-36. Particularly this part: “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone [just one grain, never more]. But if it dies, it produces much grain and yields a harvest. The one who loves his life [eventually] loses it [through death], but the one who hates his life in this world [and is concerned with pleasing God] will keep it for life eternal.
2022 – Divided into two parts. First part is closing of chapters/death of things. The Lord told me not to focus on physical death but more the death of worldly dreams, idols, addictions, fantasies, false self-images. What will cause these things to die off, is the pressure many will feel in 2022. So things will go from bad to worse, until eventually the idols die. It will seem scary if you don’t understand that it is only through death that new life can spring forth.
Part two of 2022 is the new beginnings. However these new beginnings are connected to what had previously died and was buried. Therefore, if you are not willing to let go of things and surrender yourself to God…. These new beginnings don’t apply to you. However, those that surrender to God and submit all of their goals, worries, family problems, behavioral issues, financial crisis, etc, to Him… these people will see a turnaround, a new beginning in those areas.
God said to me this prophecy applies to both camps: those who are in the camp of Divine Judgment and those in the camp of Divine Healing. So I have called 2022 the year of Grace. Think of it as a “grace period” to finally turn your life around. Don’t hold onto dead things. Yes it’s painful letting them go, but God has promised you new life.
God bless you all! I’m so excited for the fast, Woo-hoo 🎉
So beautifully said! Thank you so much for sharing! Blessings and Happy New Year!
Thank you so much MOP for this word. It is very timely for it is what the Lord has been speaking to me about for the better part of this year. We are in Matthew 24 season entering into the season of sorrows and many many will be tested with the church entering a great persecution showing the true ones from those who’ve been playing Church. It’s I true we need to be very light and crucify our flesh. He has been dealing greatly with me on this matter. He has also been separating the righteous from the unrighteousness, the wise virgins from the foolish ones because these are the ones whose light will shine and lead others in this great sorrows we are getting into. It will be a moment for the overcomers. We know what’s ahead is far worse than COVID and He said that those who stuck with Him through thick and thin during this time will stand. It was a time of preparation these last two years for what is ahead.
Having said that our prayer should be 2 Thess. 5:23-24 to be sanctified through and through and for our body, soul and spirit to be kept blameless until Christ returns. We must CLEAVE to JESUS now more than ever and anything else. May I also share what He shared that because of all that lies ahead there will be shortage of items and we need to stock up on food items and basic needs. Don’t concentrate on luxuries just basics and be of help to those that have none. Our faith is about to be tested in ways we never thought possible but if we stand to the very end regardless, we shall make it. Let’s pray for each other that we shall stand in this times like the wise builder who built his house on rock and that in the end we shall be found worthy to escape the darkest hour in this world. Be blessed and may God keep you all and watch over you and your families. Please pray Psalm 91 daily it is a psalm of these end times.
Beautiful and wise words Molly! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Missionaries of Prayer. I lost my wife this past February. Despite this, I was used by Him for her to accept Jesus before she passed. Ever since then, the Lord has been preparing for me something big to happen this next year 2022. I keep getting a March/April time frame, although I am not 100% positive it is related. The Lord has also instructed me to be pure in every aspect of my life, mind, body, and soul.
The Lord showed me He is going to shake things up because the Church is not doing a good job of being the salt and light. While Covid has been highly disruptive, we still don’t see the Church rising to meet the cancellations of religious liberty. Many churches are also allowing a watering down of scripture and incorporating new age theism (2 Timothy 4:3-4; Galatians 1:6-10). I have told my friends and family, it is going to get worse before it gets better, but we are secure in Christ no matter what happens.
Interestingly too, I just became a new member of a church and they are looking to get me plugged in and one of the opportunities is working with the high school group and/or leading a Financial Peace University group. Both of these opportunities intrigue me. The high school group for investing in the next generation and the FPU opportunity because God has taught me how to use money biblically, which has ties to the word you received.
Thank you for continuing to spread His light to others.
Hi James, sorry to hear about the passing of your wife. It appears that God has you already marching forward and doing what He needs you to do for this new phase of your life. I pray your financial freedom classes will bless many. We need it. Send me an email, I would love for you to share some of that with us as well. Blessings
Thank you So much for opening my eyes especially Proverbs 6
Love it!! It is the same word I have gotten from Him myself. He had me build a shed by myself! I was instructed to paint it pure white but paint the doors and the window shutters blue. White is the purity of his church and the blue is revelation that will keep the church (us) standing. (I posted Matthew 22:37-40 over the doorway… Love thy God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself).He also showed me that we are no longer babies but now toddlers. Learning to walk in this world for Him!! And He will always hold our hand as He leads us to new experiences we have never been to before! We will keep our childish joy and excitement as long as we keep a hold of His hand and rely only on Him!!
Lastly, to help you deal with people that need forgiveness, Joan Hunter teaches that if you separate a person from the sin they are in and nail that sin to the cross, it makes it easier to love and forgive the person! Blessings, support and love from me to all of you and yours and Jesus name! Thank you missionaries of prayer for being a lighthouse of truth for all of us!!
The Lord has spoken two clear words recently to me regarding preparations: get lighter, and prefer the cold. I can give the words in detail if anyone needs them. Thank you MOP for doing all you can to help us look at this clearly, without avoidance.
Father, help us to not fail this test. Help us to even delight You in it. Make us ready. Amen.
Wow. This is a heavy word. But I believe it is of the Lord. I was speaking to a friend on the phone yesterday and we were discussing how many will be deceived in the end times. Mathew 24 that you quote here is an illustration of that happening. I’m going to review and pray over this for a while. What came to mind at the end of reading and praying was the Lord’s Prayer. Let your Kingdom Come Lord. Let your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Nothing to fear if we stay close to Him. Blessings.