Consider this your next prophetic training video. You all did such an incredible job with the prophetic message on the last video I shared. I got so much out of reading your comments some things that I didn’t see when I watched it but it was clear after reading what some of you wrote.
When you’re prophetic, messages tend to jump out at you even when you are not looking for one.
This video below is JAM PACKED with messages. There is one obvious message but there are so many others interwined in what she said.
The video is only 5 minutes and 9 second. Without reading the comments, grab what God is saying based on the video then write what you are hearing in the comments and please provide scriptures as well.
If no one picks up on what I got from this, I’ll post it next week.
Remember, don’t read the comments until you leave your own comment. There is no wrong answer just what you hear God saying to you through this.
Be patient. Don’t sow when you or your situation is a mess. Spring will come (conditions will get better) and then harvest will come. We are not in mama schedule. We don’t have to sow when others do. Matthew 13:18-23 MSG
Be patient. If you move ahead too soon, you will mess something up and be disappointed! God’s schedule/timetable is not ours! His ways are better than our ways and His thought are higher than our thoughts! He is the only wise God who is able to keep us from falling! He is all knowing; all powerful; and everywhere at one time!! He KNOWS what is best! Springtime will come, and you will be glad you didn’t move too soon or out of timing!! (side note: God gave me these same words earlier this year and this is confirmation!!!)
Sometimes Jesus just wants us to lean on Him and allow Him to take the reins because He’s in control. Luke 18:1-Jesus tells them about a parable about their need to pray at all times and not give up. Isaiah 40:31- Those who wait upon the Lord will be strengthened, they will soar like eagles, run and not be tired, walk and not faint.
Hello, I seen the message as to be patient with life, slow down , there’s still beauty in the gloomy days, and the beautiful sun will shine again , so trusting your n Gods promises , waiting patiently , the good things are coming.
James5:7-8, was what came to mind first, and all through the video I could only hear the word patience,don’t rush things wait on God for direction
The shed to me spoke, it was her covering. Also I don’t know what it means but onions had a meaning and so did potatoes.
The soil was our heart posture and despite it doesn’t seem like anything is happening as it should around us it’s best to wait and allow God to continue to do a work. So that when it’s time we will see a harvest, if not we will make a bigger mess.
Do not approach Me the same way you approach your work or job. I am God all by Myself. My ways are not predictable. Just prepare and walk with Me. Wait for Me. I will attend to you in My own way, the way I have designed things.
Hallelujah , Proverbs 19:21 ,Many are the plans in a person’s heart but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. Upon watching the video it dawn on me that sometimes we have a timing in which we thinks we need to do stuff or get it done at a specific time .. But yet God rains on our parade.. God always knows what’s best and he sees the hidden things that we know not off .. Yes it might have seems like it time to get ready for planting, but maybe God is saying that I need to wet the soil a little but more .. We don’t always know why God choose to do what he does and when he does it , but we know that God is omniscient, he’s all knowing .. This video allow me to wait on God timing and know that whatever I need to do I need to commit it to the Lord and he will direct my path and everything will happen at the right time .. Every disappointment is for a reason in a purpose .. Sometimes we need to put on our spiritual glasses and see in the spiritual instead of the natural.. God will always work things out on his timing!!
As I watched this, the first impression was to wonder why is she outside in that weather without a hat. Then she mentioned the counsel of her husband. “But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.” 1 Corinthians 11:3
There is an overarching message here of seasons and timing being in the hands of Elohim. There is also a more subtle message of submission. Our God of order has asked us to submit to one another as the Son submits to the Father and the church submits to the Son, the wife to her husband, and every prophecy submitted to the Holy Spirit. “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” Proverbs 16:9 ESV
Will we partner with the Lord and submit to the leadership he has put us under or will we establish our own steps? Submission is fruitful when it is according to plans that the Lord has established for his Kingdom.
Very profound in your eloquent delivery, thank you 🙂
The word for me is trusting God with everything even the little things in life. We have all our schedules for each day for many are the plans in a man’s heart but God’s plans supercedes all. We need to learn to slow down sometimes and listen to that silent voice yearning to take the lead from us. Don’t force anything (messing with the soil) it can only lead to disaster and mistakes. Just trust and obey with utmost faith and ALL things will surely work out for good to them that believe and are called to his purpose Amen.
Hi from Namibia. I’m also a self thought gardener, so many times I’ve learned that I can’t rely on the ‘instructions/handbook’ only, but I need to be on the right ‘spot’ with ABBA, I need to be able to tap in and hear directly from him when, where and how. And sometimes I don’t hear, but mostly it’s because I’m not on my knees or as close to Him as I’m supposed to be. Wait patiently on the Holy Spirit. He will not fail us. When I do thing in a rush…its mostly out of my own will and strength/power…but when its done in peace, order and joy&love…then it’s from the Father. and at the end…if you’re a little bit late with your ‘crop’ but you’ve kept your joy…its all worth it. His times and seasons are different then ours and I want to be in sync with His calendar! He makes all things work for the good for those who love Him…Romans 8:28
When we think we have missed the season God is actually preparing somebody for their season. Great goodness, God is about to allow you to reap even in the off season. He is making the ground right for you.
The word that kept coming to me as I watched this was “perseverance “
When you start something the foundation how you start has got to be right !!!! If your foundation isn’t right then the outcome will be affected and it’ll be harder to make right the wrongs that will be showing so start anything new on the right foundation so you don’t have to be working back or face a do over Incase the damage is too great later on !! Before beginning something new seek counsel from those who are seasoned in that area of whatever it is u want to begin it is wise to seek counsel from those that have made it in what you want to start . Preparation is important planning is important and waiting with all of that for the right time is important if it’s not the time yet wait but wait having prepared wait ready to jump in when it’s time because rushing into something just because you have everything you need doesn’t guarantee success , having the recourses to do something doesnt guarantee it will work out . Be open to listen 👂 when others around you tell you especially those who are close to you and who you trust. For us believers trusting in God to let us know when to move and sitting back when he tells us it’s not the time yet but being ready with everything when he says it’s time because yes God wants us to start new beautiful things that will last and it starts with the right foundation n preparation n being open to wait for the right time