Yellow and white snake

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      Hi there,
      The other day I did a marathon 24hr fast and during the fast I dreamt I was with a group of people I supposedly knew. We were at a house. Then we went to the back yard and there were many dogs. Then one of the guys released the dogs so that they can attack me. I kept reciting 2 Timothy 1:7 and a horse that looked like a unicorn came and rescued me. Then when we were flying over a sea the neck of the the horse started to open and something like a lizard came out and wanted to bite and I shouted Holy Ghost fire all over you it then disappeared. Then immediately a yellow and white snake came and bit me on my right palm I shouted Holy Ghost fire all over you several times and it left me for a second. It then bit me again I started shouting Mighty fire of God all over you until I woke up shouting.

      I would really like to know the meaning please.

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