work/ school/ writig

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    • #116692 Reply
      Naomi Grether

      My letter n was hacked on my computer after I received torture pictures from Chia i tried to send to open doors. I have to use my online keyboard – Prayers for persecuted in China including Uighurs and Human Rights people. I do not know who the pictures were but they may have been students. I pay attention to international genocide , although mostly Rohingya genocide and would like to be able to go back to school to study genocide prevention. I know the only true hope for believers is the rapture, but I get to talk with people sometimes online from unreached people groups. i am not called to be a missionary or gifted in evangelism. The Bible says some will sowet and some will reap. I am a sower not a reaper. I came a class away from finishing a graduate degree before a professor who hated Christians was able to create a serious problem for me at the university where I also had my undergraduate degree which has prevented me from being able to complete a graduate degree. I got an A in a Polical Science World Hunger class and a B in Political Development and loved the classes and thought I would get my Masters in Politcal Science or TESL – the Ethnic Studies Program was interdisciplinary and I took a TESL class and the Political science class. The professor bent on destroying me to begin with was or is a Sociology professor. I constantly am crying out to God because I want to finish school. I thought graduate school would finally help me be able to have work I was good at and like. Instead I am stuck with the same work that I am not very good at and have had a very difficult time being good enough at my jobs that I get hired in that are sales and customer service at call centers even though that is my work history and have had a difficult time in Texas, where I moved to because of family. I prayer to do well at work. I was getting enough prayer and doing well. One week I did not ask for prayer from my lifegroup and I started having a problem and this Sunday I missed Lifegroup and need extra prayer including for relationship with mgr and next door neighbor. I work at home and he is a musician and lately he seems to only practice when I am working so this is part of the problem and the other is my attitude. I need God to intevene and to help me at work tomorrow and a quiet work place but also to get along with my neighbor and I need to have better attitude with my mgr. I am really sensitive about some things and he upset me so I was not very submissive so I need God to help me have a strong enough mind and right attitude to be respectful and hope for favor and mercy at work. I am in need of jesus to help me and need prayer.

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