Visiting Israel – Pray and Stay

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    • #312944 Reply

      I was with other children and we were in Israel. We were exploring and curious how the locals lived, so we went into someone’s house which was located right next to a wide area of criss crossing train lines. We were discussing how brave the locals were to “pray and stay” and I pointed out, “especially those who lived in strategic military locations, such as the railway line.” (Which was an important transport route and therefore a target for the enemy to destroy). We were out on the first floor balcony looking out over the railway lines and didn’t hear the family who lived in the house arrive home. We went back in to the house and the father of the household came up to me straight away. I told him who I was and why I was there. He straight away said, “I recognise you by your earrings, I’ve seen you/them before.” He reached out and took hold of the earring in my left ear, with his right hand and for a second I braced myself thinking he was going to rip it out (which was what a demon had threatened to do to my earring in a previous dream) but he didn’t, he just touched it and then withdrew his hand. I then introduced him to my father, my actual earthly dad who was standing to our right, but there was no interaction and it was like he was not really there, but maybe just a photo/picture of him (he actually passed away many years ago) and I sensed that there had been a family estrangement between the two of them and that they were brothers. I then hugged the man who was my uncle (I felt compassion and that I wanted to restore relationship) but he had a big belly, so it was difficult and I could not put my arms completely around him.

      Then we were sitting side by side, like lounging, watching a movie and my uncle kissed me on the mouth. My mother-in-law walked past and said out loud so everyone could hear, “The 80 year old uncle is kissing his 60 year old niece.”

    • #312945 Reply

      I have never been to Israel and I have never had a dream about Israel before. To my knowledge I do not have any relatives living in Israel. Also, I am not 60 years old.

    • #313503 Reply

      Hello KMC,

      Thank you for sharing this dream with us. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      This appears to be a very weird dream but the following rhetorical questions came to me:

      1) What is the Lord telling you that you are having a hard time “hearing?”
      2) Did you make a covenant or vow about something with God or a relative?
      3) What does “If you will it, it is no dream” mean to you?

      May the Holy Spirit give you clarity in Jesus’s Almighty Name I pray, if this dream is of Him.


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