Visiting Grandmother

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    • #150277 Reply

      I had a dream where I saw my late grandmother off to the airport. In the dream, she had come visiting us for a while and wanted to return to her base. She had her return tickets in her luggage but I forgot to help her remove it from the bag until the bag was sealed off by airport officials. I also noticed that her flight was for 10.00am, but we were cleared by officials around 10.30am. As we made our way to the boarding area, she was ahead of me, even though she was on crutches (she never used one while alive, though she suffered a partial stroke before her demise) all of a sudden I had a crash as if someone fell so I thought it was her, only to realize that her luggage which was on my head had fallen down. Surprisingly, I had thought I was carrying a luggage containing clothes only for the content to spill out and I realized they were rotten potatoes. My Grandmother also was nowhere in site. Then I woke up.

    • #157902 Reply
      Hadassah S

      In my experience, seeing dead relations especially grandma/grandpa is a generational dream. In most cases something from your old generations is trying to be passed down to you for the current generation. Going by the contents of the suitcase it’s not positive. You need to nullify this dream in prayer and reject every generation inheritance /bondages. Eg sicknesses. Ask the Holy Spirit also to reveal more as you pray for guidance.


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