Suicidal no peace insomnia severely anxiety

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      With the cdc cracking down on pain meds.there causeing thousands of legit pain patients to comit suicide.
      They cut my dosage in half unethical, cocky& purposely saying I can do what I want.the hurley hospital director in flint mi said to me.I never cried so hard in my life.
      I have an incurable painful bladder a matter of fact.I’ve been on the same dosage (200mg) fours years to help me to funtion enough to take care of my boyfriend doesn’t care im sick& possible withdrawing.
      Since the dangerous dosage decrease I can barely eat.please Google my disease to get a better understanding.I’m. Limited to about 10-15% of food I can eat& to water to drink.
      With the has given me some of my life back.I wad able to exsperience holidays with light snacks instead of sitting there with pnb bread grapes water & maybe watermelon.
      I per anywhere from 40 -100 in a 24 he night iits worse.getting help for insomnia is hard now that they lowered my up more peeing than sleeping& on the 20pmg.I could at least get maybe 2-4 restless hpurs in.

      I just want my Jesus to either heal my back, bladder& brain.get me loving, protective understanding doctor who now my condition & won’t back down.or GOD take me & my lids home.

      I will no longer live sick, defeated, in mentally, physical torment anymore.its not healthy gor my kids yo see nor see how thete dad ignores my crys of pain& sadness.please help!!!#

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