Stop Satan’s attack on my family and myself

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    • #314477 Reply

      Satan is attacking our family at every angle. The more we try to get closer to God, the worse the attacks get….spiritually, emotionally, financially, health problems, division, fighting, confusion, continued sin & generational curses. I’m scared for my family. I want my kids & grandkids all together, for them all to love Jesus & follow him, for their to be peace & happiness & love. No depression, anxiety, anger, hurt, confusion or fear. Please prayer for us, for all our eyes to be opened, to always see his truth & to do what’s right

    • #315302 Reply

      Abba Father who art in heaven, holy is your name, they kingdom come and you will be done on earth, as it is in heaven, give codie and family this day their daily bread and forgive them their trespasses as they forgive those who trespass against them. And lead them not into temptation but deliver them from the evil one o good shepherd. Father, most holy, faithful, wonderful, loving and forgiving Father, I speak your word over Codie and family and ask for your intervention, deliverance, peace and restoration of all that has been stolen, killed, and destroyed in their lives. And I speak your prayer that you taught us in your word to come alive with hailstone,fire, scorching wind, and like a two edge sword at the devil and his demons that are terrorizing your children. Lord you only listen to your word as your word is alive and true and is above your name as we do not know how to pray for what we need exactly but you do.
      O good Shepherd be a dear and lead this people out of the evil and shadow of their life right now and shine your light into every darkness that is tormenting them today, tomorrow and the future. Thank you good Father, you always listen to the prayer of your children and give them exactly what they asked for and more. For you are not a bully but a big giver as you said in you word if we who are evil knows how to give good things to our children, how about you who is good, wont you give us good things and more! Yes you would, therefore exchange every stone to bread in their lives, including the snake to fish in this family today in Jesus name. You promised in you word that whatever we asked the Father in you name that you will do. I thank you for giving them more than words, eyes and ears can comprehend today in your holly and faithful name of Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. I bless you Holy of all and thank you on behalf of Codie and family for the immediate turn around in their life today. Shalom.

    • #315304 Reply

      Also, Codie, remember the devil comes only to steal, kill and destroy( you have something huge and that is why the devil is after your family), but take heart, Jesus said: I have come for you( i personalize it, I like to be personal with Jesus) to have life abundant, and Jesus is the good shepherd that lay down his life for you and your family. I believe like David he will tear that lion into pieces and remove your children from its mouth and return them to you, including everything that it has been eating away in your life, and he will also destroy every destructive bear that is released into your life. God bless you and keep you, may his face shine upon you and give you peace , in Jesus name. Amen

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