Shoes and socks

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      I dreamed I was standing in the house where I lived with my ex. (If I dream about him it mostly refers to my past or the enemy attacking).
      I was in my own bedroom looking out the windows thinking what am I doing here with my son as we have been divorced for a decade.
      He walks into the room to ask if I am done as we need to go to a function.
      I think I will tell him when we get back that I am leaving as we are divorced and I don’t belong there (I don’t feel this is about my past but something else). I put on a long black evening dress and put on slip on socks in a light beige/pink color to keep my feet warm and protect them from my black heels (I have heels that look like this in real life but hardly wear them as it’s uncomfortable).
      I think in the dream I need to take off the socks but I tell myself no it will keep my feet warm and protrct them and it’s hidden beneath my dress.
      I then put on my other leather pink slipon shoes while I am wearing my heels. The fit easily into the shoes.
      I walk out the room and tell myself to remove them as I can’t go to the function like that.
      I take them off and the heels aren’t slippery and I tell myself the socks will protect me.
      I walk into the hall and all I can see is my long black dress and I had put lotion or something on my arms and a shawl to keep me warm (sheltered) then I walk down the passage towards the ex thinking this need to finish ao I can leave as I don’t belong there.
      Then I wake up.

      I would like to hear some thoughts on this as I know shoes refer to your walk with Jesus and your ministry.


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